Business Blogging: Like Dungeons and Dragons

“Blogging is a little like playing Dungeons and Dragons. You find one thing, and it leads deeper into something else, and then into another level, and another….” That’s according to blogger Steve Rucinski, of Small Business CEO.

Steve said this in response to a question I asked over coffee today in our local Panera. I asked him, as a small business owner himself, how much value he got out of business blogging.

Blogging is one of the hottest trends on the Internet today — just look at the number of blogging articles in the media this year. And blogging about business topics is a red hot niche.

But I asked the question as a kind of reality check to see if blogging is truly valuable and has staying power.

After making the reference to Dungeons and Dragons, Steve went on to say that blogging was “one of the most powerful uses of the Internet” he knows of.

Why? He says he has learned so much from blogging, both from reading other people’s blogs and from researching topics for his own posts. He discovers new sites, new ideas, and new information all the time. And then there are all the new contacts he has made, expanding his network in the process. He’s intrigued by all the interesting people he meets through blogging, and one contact leads to another and another….

A Dungeons and Dragons experience, to be sure.

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Anita Campbell Anita Campbell is the Founder, CEO and Publisher of Small Business Trends and has been following trends in small businesses since 2003. She is the owner of BizSugar, a social media site for small businesses.

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