Sticky Note Personal Computers

Unleashing Bold Initiatives

Here’s a cartoon I did a few years ago, and with the launch of the iPad I thought it was a good time to dust it off.

I remember I was getting ready to buy a new computer and I could’t decide between a notebook computer (the word “netbook” hadn’t yet emerged) and a tablet.

So I wrote them down on a piece of paper to make a pros and cons list. Seeing the two words next to each other I thought it was odd that we were relating such high technology to simple paper products, and the above popped into my head.


Mark Anderson Mark Anderson's cartoons appear in publications including Forbes, The Wall Street Journal and Harvard Business Review. His business cartoons are available for licensing at his website,

6 Reactions
  1. Hahaha, that does seem to be the direction we’re heading. Very cute.

  2. Ha! I really like this cartoon. It reminds me of my iPhone which, to some degree, is just a slightly rectangular digitized notepad. I am very grateful for it because it has allowed me to eliminate the dozens upon dozens of sticky notes I used to have all over my monitor and desk! Not to mention my organizer, calendar, iPod, camera, voice recorder, Zagats, GPS, photo albums, clock, level, compass…the list goes on!

  3. Really good concept for a cartoon!

    Why stop at notebook computers? Microsoft has what is basically a “table computer” in development. Maybe one day technology will be so fast and cheap that we can have “paper computers”, that is would be where every piece of notebook paper has a computer inside of it.

    Keep up the witty work!


  4. Mark,

    Having just come back from the Consumer Electronics Show about a month ago, I can tell you that computers are trending toward the “sticky note” size.

    I saw sub-netbooks. They look like a netbook, but they’re a third the size. You can hold them up with 2 fingers. No kidding…. I took a photo of one with the camera in one hand and holding the computer in two fingers of my left hand. I’ll have to share it in a post.

    See, you cartoonists are futurists!

    – Anita

  5. Sorry I’m late to respond (moving servers, ugh….), but thanks all! Glad you liked this one!!

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