There are lots of ways to boost your sales and grow your small business today. We’ve created a roundup with some suggestions below. Want to add to our list, including Susan Oakes’ 17 ways to boost sales? Please add your comments below and help inform the community.
Ways to increase your sales. That’s right. There are plenty, and here Susan Oakes shares her list of 17. But don’t stop there. Susan also wants readers to add their own thoughts. You can do that on Susan’s blog, or in the comment section below. Let’s help fellow small business owners today. M4B Marketing
If Smashburger can, why not you? Even franchises of smaller size are expanding these days, some globally. Could your business model be franchised or, if you already have a franchise, is it time you look at expansion in directions you might not have dreamed possible before? WSJ
Legal & Finance
Do you have the legal advice you need? BizSugar Contributor of the Week Jeffrey Fabian says legal help for small businesses on everything from trademark to brand protection is sorely needed in today’s small business arena including for online businesses. BizSugar Blog
Small banks are the new big. The increase in the number of small business loans being approved by smaller banks is nothing short of a trend. Will this change your decisions about the banks you choose to do business with or about where to start when seeking that next business loan? Small Business Trends
Tips & Productivity
Tips for growing your small business. Expert Barry Moltz recently shared these thoughts at a presentation in Chicago about some of the ways small businesses should focus on growing. Some may be applicable to your situation. Look for other presentations from Moltz moving forward. ShopTalk
Home office mistakes you shouldn’t make. There are lots of benefits to running your business from a home office. These benefits become even more pronounced if your company doesn’t really need a physical location. But be warned. Home office situations come with problems of their own.
Customer Service
Taking care of existing clients. There is often talk of the value of keeping the clients you have vs. incurring cost of constantly finding new ones. This post looks at putting this idea to the test and asking the simple question, are your current clients satisfied? You’re the Boss
Answering the phone will change everything. In fact, there are probably quite a few things you could do in your company that would bring about big changes in the way your firm is received. Are there other ways of transforming your business you haven’t even considered? Personal Branding Blog
Tech Update
Taking advantage of the cloud. Ramon Ray has a conversation with Cindy Bates, Vice President of US Small and Medium-Sized Business and Distribution at Microsoft about how small businesses can benefit from increasing technology options in this video. Smallbiz Technology
Why branding is critical to your Internet visibility. Think branding isn’t important in SEO? Think again. While working to increase your small business visibility online, it’s important to think about the role brand plays, especially in Google ranking. Check out the infographic. SEO Book