Rest to get the Best from Your Small Business

Everyone does it. And no one seems to want to stop.

Too much of a good thing can be wonderful, said Mae West.

Or is it?

An unusual trend among working people, is that people love to work and spend a lot of hours at the work they love. Every small business owner I have ever advised, worked non-stop. And perhaps complained, and would ask me about that work-family balance nonsense, but then would excuse herself to answer an important cell call. (There are no unimportant cell phone calls.)

Non-stop work is bad for your health and bad for your productivity.

Studies show that working 21 continuous hours has the same effect as being drunk. Yes, working too much is a real high.

Among industrialized nations, none work more hours than the US of A. The two-martini lunch has been replaced with jolts of caffeine — to stay awake. Americans don’t drink to escape from work and sleep; we remain at work awake and become drunk. Starbucks has replaced Archie’s Bar.

And no one works harder or more hours than the boss. And you, the small business owner, will openly admit to working harder and more hours than any one.


(No one likes martyrs, that’s why they killed so many of them.)

Your Business Blogger would suggest that business productivity and employee health can be improved by working fewer hours.


I know. I wouldn’t want to stop either. But I have a trick. An answer to those 60-hour work weeks.

Put those hours into 6 days — not 7. Take a day off. Yes, yes, a whole day.

Stay with me now. Businesses actually have this as policy.

Chick-fil-A, with 1,250 restaurants and sales of almost $2 billion, takes a day off.

Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A, made the decision to close on Sunday in 1946 when he opened his original restaurant…in Hapeville, Georgia. He has often shared that his decision was as much practical as spiritual. Operating a 24-hour a day business left him exhausted. Being closed on Sunday allowed him time to recover physically, emotionally and spiritually…

It doesn’t have to be a Saturday or a Sunday. When I was working restaurants I took Tuesdays off. It matters not the day.

But pick a day, then don’t work it.

Many business owners have pestered Your Business Blogger for a set of rules on what is work or not. Because work and play are the same for all North Americans. My only suggestion for your weekly day off:

Be Unproductive.

Leave productivity and production and whatever work is to the other six days. On that special day: give it a rest.

Oddly, I would suggest no prohibition on exercise. We should sweat on our day of relaxation. (This is America.) Sweating and exercise are acceptable unless your day job is in the NBA or the Golf Pro Tour.

And to make sure it works, find a friend who will hold you accountable. Which you should be doing for business, anyway.

Be accountable to your private board of directors or mentor.

So. To be more productive. Do nothing, one day a week.


Jack Yoest John Wesley (Jack) Yoest Jr., is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Management at The Catholic University of America. His expertise is in management training and development, operations, sales, and marketing. Professor Yoest is the president of Management Training of DC, LLC. A former Captain in the U.S. Army and with various stints as a corporate executive, he also served as Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Resources in the Administration of Governor James Gilmore of Virginia.

124 Reactions
  1. Couldn’t have said it better myself, Jack! I have found that when I take a break – even if it’s just an afternoon – I feel like my mind has been cleared and the fog lifts. I am then able to sit down at my computer and somehow, I manage to be more productive. I wholeheartedly agree with the particular mention of sweating on your day off. I have found that an afternoon, or even just a few hours, spent tidying up the garden can do wonders for the mind – and for my work. We should always remember that we work to live – not live to work!

  2. Anita,

    this is great advice. I started doing that myself as well — strictly no biz work on sundays – well, not quite . except (other than your much acknowledged advice of exercising) for some blogging ( writing helps clears up thoughts that bug you – at least for me) reading, and time for the family.

    An hour to the church also increases perspective on what life is all about.

  3. I want to add my voice to this: you need to take off. I used to be forced by the needs of my clients to work weekends, so I hit on the bright idea of taking Wednesdays off. I had to fight with them but they eventually accepted my single day.

    The key is to discipline yourself to turn off the head inside you that continues to work when you’re not supposed to. Recreation work (rather than recreative loafing) can often accomplish this. But, hey, I’m the kind of guy who studies Latin for fun.

  4. Elliot, in a previous generation, physicians were mocked for also taking Wednesdays off, as you wisely do.

    But what no one remembered then or now, is than docs are often on call, and often work Sundays. Back in the day, they merely turned off their beepers on Wednesdays on the golf course.

    Today’s small business owner believes that non-stop working will overcome a lack of time or money. Which is, of course, wrong.

    Thanks again for your insights and comment. You are demonstrating genuine acouo in the accusitive case, I believe: to hear/learn with understanding.

    No — wait, that was old greek — audire is word I was looking for. Whatever: you got it right in any language.

    (Patronizing blogger blows it again.)


    • Naga sankar Devineni

      This article made me reflect on why I chose to go back to school. I don’t have to get another degree. It’ll not offer assistance to me at all. It’ll not offer assistance to me in my current profession, and I am not changing callings. So why am I choosing to spend profitable time that may be going through “doing nothing” in school? The school was a bucket list thing for me. Not something I had to do, something I needed to do. But I have to wonder why? Why did I make the choice to include more in my day, rather than taking time to fair unwind? Particularly after I perused this article. The article did make me halt and think, why am I continuously looking to fill my time with work? Why do I feel I got to be on the treadmill all the time? I wish I had a great reply, perhaps since there’s not a great reply. The article truly made me stop. I know I feel way better on the days I unwind with my family—away from school, chores, and work.

  5. In theory, few would disagree with this article, but in practice it is much more difficult than that. Frequently the “off-days” turn in to the days to do what you’ve put off during the week. Quickly the day designed to relax is bogged down with running errands, catching up on old emails you’ve ignored (they aren’t important enough to look at during productive days), and working on side projects (e.g. professional certifications, home improvement, gardening, etc.). These days can even become more stressful than the long work days.

    From my personal experience, after spending over a year averaging 70 hour weeks, taking a day completely off is the only way to sustainably work with the throttle all the way up. At a minimum an individual must learn to separate work from home life, so they at least get the illusion of a home-life even though the time there is limited. More than that, the job itself must be rewarding to be working that hard for that long. If you derive pleasure from the long days (i.e. job satisfaction is high) then perhaps you can survive, but you need to make sure that the effort is worth the outcome.

  6. Personal health is a very important thing to consider when taking a job, and it’s one that many employees do not prioritize. When I studied in Italy, we could not go to certain shops and businesses during the day as from 12 to 2 pm they were on a break. This was so business owners could rest up for an eventful afternoon. That was a crazy concept to us as American students, this would never fly in the USA. Not only do we Americans not break during the day, we often take our work home with us. During our busy season, I have stayed long past 5’oclock at the office to get what I need to be done complete. Time off is important to our mental and physical health. We will be more productive as a whole, if we take a little better care of ourselves.

  7. The article only scratches the surface regarding the unhealthy hours of work Americans are working. It is engrained in our way of life, and, for me, it wasn’t until my body could no longer endure long periods of working 12-hour days 7-days a week or a span of 20 years at the U.S. Postal Service that I realized how “beat up” my body was. It was my choice to work the overtime. It was intended to be a temporary opportunity to pay off some bills and to buy a toy or two. Ultimately it turned into a way of live. Now 5 years removed from the agency, I will be scheduled for rotator cuff surgery next week as the job was deemed an employment hazard for a preexisting condition from a military incident in 1988. I worked in a daze most evenings and overnight, while awake in the daytime running errands and having a hard time sleeping. I have learned not to go overboard in my efforts, exercise, rest, drink more water, and to simply “sit still” more often. In my new career, I have to take my laptop with me while on vacation because of a deadline, or I won’t allow myself a break from the action. Yes, it is up to us to ensure that our mental and physical health comes first. Without it, at least for me, I will be physically sick, mentally drained, and have an unhealthy eating pattern. This article is a wake-up call for me to better enhance my quality of life.

    Greg J.

  8. This article could not be more accurate. There truly are such things as “mental days.” Just like your body needs to sleep, your brain needs a rest as well. I find too often that when I work for a certain number of hours straight that my brain actually stops absorbing information. A quick break can actually reboost your mind and allow you to refocus. I love that Chic fil A takes an entire day off. They are so successful because they allow all of their employees to reboost their minds for a day. Some work days or weeks are busier than others, but it is always important to take care of your mental health in order to be successful.

  9. If better health and happiness isn’t enough of an incentive to do something about chronic overwork, it turns out overworking can have a legitimately negative impact on a business’ bottom line.

    Henry Ford outraged his fellow industrialists when he cut his workers’ hours to 40 a week. (Standards in some industries at the time were for 12-hour workdays, 7 days a week.) Ford did so because his internal research showed 40 hours was as far as you could push manual laborers in a week before they got stupid and began making costly mistakes. He also wanted his workers to have the leisure time to buy and use his cars.

    Today, the fact that employees are now always reachable eliminates what was once a natural barrier of sorts, the idea that work was something that happened during office hours or at the physical office. With no limits, work becomes like a football game where the whistle is never blown.

  10. There’s no doubt that technology has simplified the way we carry out our day-to-day routines. Computers help us do things faster, emails and text messages let us always be in touch, and the internet makes it easy to find the answer to any question with just a quick Google search.

    While being constantly plugged in can make us feel safe, connected, and in-the-know — both at work and at home — it also means we never really clock out.

    It’s one thing to pull a long day every once in a while to finish a project or deal with a crisis, but it’s another to routinely stay late at the office or work into the night. That’s chronic overwork — and it can have extremely negative impacts on your health, happiness, and overall quality of life.

    But working overtime has become the norm for most people. It’s one of those things everyone knows is bad for us, but no one really listens. The trouble is, failure to prioritize a healthy balance isn’t just bad for the employees — it’s actually bad for employers, too.

  11. Josephine Livingston

    One of my philosophy within the working world was ” I do not work live” and “I will not let the job control me, I control the JOB!” Everyone must realize soon or later working 8 hours per day non-stop is unhealthy. Taking a break (fifteen minutes twice a day, lunch, vacation, even a mental break) is vital to our health and our survival. What come to mind is the old saying, “work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy!” Everyone needs to relax and do not get so involve thinking I enjoy my work. Being stress-free help you to avoid situations such as: (a) are there any adjustments to be made before sending the completed job (b) was everything needed to be done is in sync with the project (c) and are you satisfied with the completed work? Within our personal life as well as our business life, time management is crucial. If we do not have complete control over our time, we will frantically forward the work without carefully reviewing and evaluating the project.

  12. Sometimes people become so sucked into their work life that they forget what it is to relax. Time management is key when it comes to a person’s life; especially when a person is working long hours at their job. Factors like exhaustion, mood changes, and stress will come when a person is overworking and not being able to take a break. Furthermore this will not only have an effect at home, but it will also cause issues in the work place. Less sleep will lead to less focus and for somebody working with a team, can cause them to fall behind – bringing the team down as a whole. This is not to mention what can happen with family if one adult in the family is stressed and unable to tend to other family members. Today, technology is supposed to be helping people do things more efficiently, but with more technology comes higher expectations. One must always be cautious and spend their time wisely, to ensure they are not constantly overworking. Breaks are implemented for a reason, and human beings will always need some rest to function.

  13. Jelena Cobanovic

    I completely agree on the importance of taking a day off as everyone deserves rest. I like the example of how Chick-fil-a closes on Sundays as it helps its employees take a much-needed break at the end of the week. People get caught up working long weeks and months chasing the company’s and personal goals and often forget how important is taking some time off. Growing up I have seen my parents working ridiculous shifts all the time, not having time to enjoy themselves and spend as much time with my siblings and me. They always had some excuses saying how “this week is very important” and then that happens again and again, similarly to those work calls that people always need to answer. As small business owners, they always wanted to push themselves to be more productive and often wanted to set an example to their employees. Talking to them about this now, 15 years later, they wish they slowed down and took more days off. I believe that taking time off can help people regain the focus, feel more productive when they return to work the next day and it can also help people gain a better work/life balance.

  14. It is my experience that it is vital to “take a day off” each week. In fact, I take the whole weekend. In an ideal world, I would rest, sleep in, go to the park with the kids, etc. In real life, however, I find that I spend most “days off” getting my household ready to start over again on Monday. Perhaps it is because I am a working class woman, married to a working class man. We do our own grocery shopping, house cleaning, bill paying, child rearing. By the time I do all of that, attend Church on Sunday, make the necessary meals each day, there is no semblance of rest going on.

    I actually was telling a coworker recently that if I ever became a boss, I would give my employees a half day each work week to do those things that are necessary for them to make it to work presentably each day: laundry, meal prep, vehicle maintenance, etc. It’s the human side of business that our society seems to not care about. Perhaps people in management can pay someone to do all of those mundane tasks that keep a life going, I don’t know. So, yes, on paper I agree that a day off each week is important. I have not quite figured out how to make that a reality.

  15. After reading this post, I took something very important. When you are looking for the perfect position, one has to take their own personal health into consideration. I remember going to Spain back in 2016 and remembering that their breaks, or “Siestas” were from 12 to 3 PM. The tactic behind this method was to give the employers and employees a down time to charge up for the second half of the day. As a result of this, they seem to be more productive and stress levels seems to be down. In the USA, we are so stuck in the “gotta always move” mode that we very seldomly stop and just take a look back at why we feel the need to always be into something. I believe that with taking a little break here and there, we could become a better productive society and be happy overall. Sometimes it just worth sitting back and just enjoy the simple things in life. I sure like to just sit back from time to time and do nothing, literally. No TV, no games, no reading, nothing. Sometimes doing nothing serves as the best medicine.

  16. In my experience, an off day will work wonders. Any way you can increase worker productivity, I think it is imperative you do so. Not only will that one off day give you time to unwind and catch up with family time, but it will also improve your productivity during the 6 days that you are working those 10-hour work days. Even during the baseball season, we give our players an off day. This gives all our players a chance to catch up on their school work, while also taking a break from throwing and swinging. Not only does a break help your body recover form the previous 6 days of work, but it also motivates you throughout the week. When I was still a player, I would look forward to our off day more than any other day of the week. On top of giving yourself at least one day a week to unwind, it is important during a work day to also take a 15 min break after a long stretch of work. This tiny break will help your body and your mind recover from everything going on during the day. 15 min just twice a day is not asking a lot, and I think it will only improve your productivity throughout the day.

  17. Mary-Christina Onyeocha

    “Non-stop work is bad for your health and bad for your productivity.” This is a hard truth that American system and other industrialized nations that value doing more than being seem not-yet-ready-to-accept. I discovered that, what matters is, “what do you do for a living?” Any other business (AOB) falls under second class. Regrettably, reputation is mistakenly tagged to doing than being; and, many of us have what psychologists refer as, “need for recognition;” therefore, if more doing might merit more reputation, why seek for being – which is referred as “second class”? Unfortunately, before one realizes that, being is seconded by doing (Not being unproductive; but, placing values in their rightful positions – good health begets quality output) the precious gift of healthy living might be at the brink of the grave.

    Workaholism is a kind of addiction/disorder that could be referred as a silent killer. It feeds the poor nature of human insatiability; and, the victim at advanced age might become somewhat frustration to all around – family, friends and caregivers (I’m talking from the view point of a missionary who interacts with different people including the seniors). Truett Cathy was wise enough to learn from experience that, balancing health and business increases productivity more than working round the clock like a cog (machines break down too). One day off per week for renewal makes a whole lot of positive differences in health and productivity. As suggested by Professor Yoest, having a mentor or a friend for accountability would be helpful in achieving the set goal of the “Day-Off” – TO REST.

  18. I think its a great idea to have off once a week the only thing i would want to know is how can we project workers from still being required to work in some way. i know too many people that work even on their vacations, not because their boss told them too but because they know for the amount of catch up work they’ll have to do when missing the days the days off just puts off stress not actually help relieve it. We need a way to have people off and unplugged without fear that they’ll fall so behind that they’re just going to double up on the stress when they get back to work and not make the vacation even worth it.

  19. Working in a federal environment, I can attest to not only a burn-out times, but options to avoid it. AWS and alternative work schedule have allowed me to further my career and finish one degree (the second is currently in progress and a testament as well).

    I cannot imagine after putting nine to eleven hours in some days and not working shorter ones to even my time out. I’ve done four, ten-hour days a week, AWS and flex schedule and they all allow for a life and self-case outside of work. My supervisors have been great about understanding my school schedules and without a schedule like this, it would be hard to accomplish anything outside of work, academically or personally.

    Having this benefits has boosted my morale and shows proven employee dedication and less tardiness. I am thankful to work apart of where this is allowed.

  20. I cannot agree more than what the article talks about in reference to enjoying a day of your life each week without any work. It is perhaps also the most important aspect of being healthy and wealthy working individual. Taking a day’s rest definitely improves your quality of work plus it also enhances your professional personality which is very much in need while one is working.

    Unfortunately, there are many industries in this 21st century such as the food and beverage industry, restaurants and other fast food joints which operate 24 hours a day and 365 days in a year which if one imagines is a big exhausting ones. Logistics company too has to bear the brunt of operating 24 hours which leads to a downfall in their services. One day off allows a person as the article says, to physically and spiritually recover is true in its sense. I personally have the experience of working 7 days a week with changing time shifts, trust me its a disaster! I couldn’t even used to get a time for myself.

    Whatever we say, one day break from work is pretty much required across all industries, but for now industries across the world need to work on that yet!.

  21. Harshani Kumarasinghe

    The main concern is to not to have a day off but is it really worth to give it when it is needed. mostly some employer do issue the day offs the works that the employees have done for previous work due to roster of the leave. these are just to full fill the requirements but not assure their health or well being. same as some industries they are strictly followed by the guidelines and the separate health benefits are offered too. health benefits for the on the job incidents they include as well.based on the nature of the job.

    employees are also humans too. the main concern of some employees : “if they get paid no mater what they have to work , even the exceeded hours.” so actually sometimes it is questionable weather to consider employees as humans or they just machines who complete the task in assigned hours. the health and well being is one of a main concern to keep employees motivating to go extra mile for the organizational productivity. allowing proper time schedules and their flexibility for the work also giving them the time they needed to get recovered are most important if an organizations expecting a genuine work from their employees.

  22. In my opinion, it is very important for any person to be healthy when considering to take a job. Many employees, do not prioritize to be healthy in their lives. The article explains about how non-stop work could affect our heath and how it is bad for our productivity. I think all human beings need to sleep because brain needs a rest as well. If I have a small company, I will give all my employees a quick break to refresh their mind and allow them to refocus. In these days, many employees working overtime and it has become the norm for most of people. However, they know that it is bad for them because no one is really listens. I think, if employees fail to prioritize a healthy balance is not just bad for them, it is really bad for employers, too.

  23. Edier S Cossio Mosquera

    What a great suggestion of taking one day of the week off. This is something that helps the body to recover, physically and also mentally. In some cultures, people stop working in the middle of the day and they go home to take a siesta or nap. I don’t know how practical taking a siesta would be for workers in a demanding economy such the USA. But the body and the brain needs time to recover. So, taking a 24 hours break during the week is a practical approach. For instance, in the old days “western cultures did not work on Sundays. Tradition that lasted for more than 1000 years according to Dr. Matthew Sleeth. He is an emergency room physician, and writer of the book “24/6: A Prescription for a Healthier, Happier Life.”

    Moreover, taking a day of the week off it increases happiness, it also helps business owners, employees and CEOs get closer to their loves one. Over working one body could have unhealthy consequences in the long run. So what a great example is setting Chick-fil-A’s CEO closing his 1,250 stores on Sunday. Other corporations should take into consideration this type of policies. That would help with employees’ retention, and better quality of life for employers and workers.

  24. As many of us know, same as time, health is one of the things you cannot retrieve back. In my opinion, health is very important. I couldn’t agree more with this article, encouraging the importance of health, having a day off and time management.
    But many companies and organizations do not really follow or try to avoid the importance of allowing the employees or even the managers to have more time to themselves and their families, giving them time off in order to look after their mental and physical health. Of course, there are great companies and management look after their employees but there ones who do not really care, in order to meet their goals and plans.
    I think that it is very important to acknowledge and enforce from the top of the management and from the human resources side to allow people have day offs, or proper time off needed for the employee to recover from the hard work, late nights, long hours.
    In my experience, small businesses specifically, do not really give much time off to heir employees as compared to larger corporates. I would think that since small businesses need to catch up more on profits, implementation of their certain goals, they would want their employees to work harder for longer hours for more achievements and profits.
    All the companies and all the management should know scientifically and practically, how the health of an employee is important to the achievement and productivity of the company.

  25. First of all, we know that we work to live – not live to work! I completely agree with this article. we should take a day off because of productivity and effectiveness. From my personal experience, I work on board a ship, but we take Sunday off even though we are at the ship 3-4 months because I believe that it will also improve our productivity during the 6 days that we are working those 8-hour work days. Furthermore, not only does a break help our body recover form the previous 6 days of work, but it also motivates us throughout the week.In addition, when we get off the work during the week, we should separate work from home life.

  26. Veronica Cordova

    Motivation is the key for a successful business. People that love their jobs dedicate more time working. On the other hand, it should be a balance between family and work. Sometimes being a workaholic can be bad for the health and the productivity of the business. It is true that when you are a small business owner, you need to work harder that other companies, but this doesn’t mean that you need to work 7 days a week. As the article mentioned, it is necessary to have at least one day off to “be unproductive”. It is beneficial to have a restful day off from work to clear your mind with other activities and family.

  27. Meagan McClendon

    I agree, it is important to take a break from work. Someone that works too much may be passionate about what they do and enjoy what that do, but extended periods of work can lead to stress and fatigue. Certain levels of stress can lead to decreased creativity and productivity. Being a workaholic can cause one to become burnt out no matter how much caffeine is involved. Allowing yourself a day to take a break from focusing on work gives you the opportunity to minimize stress, reflect and become more creative. For example, there are plenty of people that do not take advantage of their vacation time and have unused leave. Whether long or short, a vacation is a type of break in which you can get some psychological space from the workplace and return more energized and productive than before.

  28. The most common reason nowadays for many diseases (physical and mental) is stress. We live in the world that nothing is enough and we rush to accomplish more, to get more, to be more. We struggle with our own imperfections, trying to become impeccable. We expect a lot from ourselves. It is extremely difficult to take a break because it gives a feeling of missing out and not doing enough. In reality, one or two days break do not affect negatively our career or education. That’s why yoga and all kind of meditations hace become so popular lately. People consciously search for the ways to relax their body and mind. I used to think that appropriate time management is an answer for busy, multi-tasked schedule but ability to relax, and as a result to decrease level of anxiety, is an actual skill. It is something we should learn. Step by step through little challenges such as one hour without cell phone per day or 15 minutes of listening only relaxing music while laying down on the bed. Stress is a sign of our times which takes a lot of our daily joy and definitely declines our effectiveness.

  29. This article made me think about a piece of advice that I was given as I started working in collegiate athletics. That was to be conscience about the importance of a work-life balance. Athletics can be all-consuming especially in season. I am definitely culprit of working too many hours and stressing about my team’s performance. That’s because I am committed and passionate about my job and my athletes. I want the best for them. I do no believe that this is a flaw of mine or any coach. In order to be successful, coaches and all workers need to be dedicated and genuine about their work. However, I need to remember that taking time for myself allows me to re-focus and destress. I have found that I am a better coach when I do this. I find myself more energized, and less tired. That allows me to be my best self. This article was a nice reminder, and I think all people in leadership positions should be reminded that taking a small chunk of time off is actually a good thing.

  30. I agree with completely with his article. We as American’s are hard-working people, and most of us do not prescribe to the 40-hour work week. All of this work can cause havoc on your body, and it is up to the person to take a day, or two, to just relax and not think about work. I want to take it further and say that it is also the responsibility of the organization to create a culture that promotes their employees taking time for themselves to mentally and physically unwind without feeling bad for it. I understand that some people get a high and a sense of accomplishment from working, but even God, the ultimate worker, and creator rested on the 7th day.

  31. I found this article to be very true and very relatable. I have always been a believer that too much of something is always a bad thing, no matter what it is. Taking care of one’s personal and social health is something that tends to always be on the back burner, especially for the business people of the United States. People need to know what it is like to be normal and be relaxed, not just cooped up in their work and taking it where ever they go. With today’s technology, it is so easy for people to leave work at 5, but then go home and still do tasks until 9 pm. That is specifically something that people should try to avoid.

    I was a student athlete in my undergrad life and especially in the spring season, if I was not at practice, I was doing school work. By the time senior year came around, I had it figured out; I needed a break. I made sure that I had some time to myself where I wasn’t thinking about softball or school, I gave my mind a break and got to relax. In the end, I think that this made me a better athlete and a better scholar.

  32. Taking time off during the week and for vacations is vital to preserve one’s sanity. I tend to feel most productive at work after spending some time away from the job – both physically and mentally. Often, the mental break is needed to provide clarity and perspective on situations, and it’s hard to get that clarity while in the middle of the daily grind. It is probably difficult for a small business owner or sole proprietor to take even one day off per week, as their livelihood may be dependent upon the owner’s daily activities. But it is important to maintain balance, and ensure that other aspects of life, such as family and personal care, are attended to, in order to prevent imbalances. I like the author’s suggestion of taking any day off, even if it is not a traditional Saturday or Sunday. Taking off a day midweek can help the business owner be more productive by running errands while most people are at work, thus avoiding long lines and traffic. Taking regular time away can also help to alleviate burn out and stress, and give the company’s employees an opportunity to oversee the business operations while the manager is off.

  33. Mayara Correa Bonamichi

    I completely agree with what the post states, everybody needs a break, a one day to do nothing. And I would advise to rest maybe 30 min during a work day, it can be after lunch or in the middle of the afternoon when the tiredness of the day is starting to show up. I think is important to take some minutes to not do anything, maybe you can meditate, or you can go for a walk, or you can just seat still and look through the window, it will give you more energy to keep working. My job as a designer requires me to be creative, so it is very important that I change the scenario sometimes, leave the office, listen a music, have a break, so I can come back to work and do the best I can. I know it takes time to create a routine of having one day a week to do nothing, and hardest part is: some people don’t like to be unproductive, so a day off is definitely something that people need to adjust themselves in order to introduce this to their life style.

  34. This article touches me on so many levels; with me being an Assistant football coach I’m in a role where I work long hours a week. My job never stops, but I pride myself on taking one day for myself to get myself back in order. I call that day self-care Sunday’s; with me taking that day it’s to get back together mentally and physically for the next week. With the job that I work I use more mental compacity that I have ever used, and it takes a toll on your body during the week. You have to make a day for yourself just to rejuvenate to get ready for another hard work week. Also, I know that as a person who also worked two manual labor jobs before I also knew I had to take a day just to get it together; Even though I needed the money I knew that money wasn’t everything and I needed time for self.

  35. Priscilla Sanchez

    I agree that it can become unhealthy and stressful to be productive and showing effectiveness 7 days a week. This can overwhelm a person and over works their skills for what they love. This is understandable because you want to demonstrate satisfactory work for the organization you work for. However, it does not hurt to take a day off of those 7 days. The body needs relaxation and an unproductive day. This does not mean to not be physically active, on the contrary, it is important to keep your body moving throughout the day to get the blood flowing regularly. This may also add relaxation in your day because sweating out is not a bad thing. During this day off, you can regain energy and motivation to come in to work the next day with a fresh start and a fresh mind which is what is needed for any organization in order for them to be successful.

  36. I am not a small business owner, but an employee aspiring to be like those described in the memo you reference, Completed Staff Work. I hate the idea of taking a day off because I was always taught that the people who grind on the weekends will see a great change in where they see themselves in the work week. Going to classes, workshops, and volunteering for extra objects on top of the workload puts you ahead of your peers. There may be added stress and it may lead to burnout, but I can take those chances at this stage in my young career. However, if I were someday a small business owner then I hopefully head your advice. The last thing a business owner wants to do is to fall out of love with their dream and vision they have created for their company. I am sold if taking one day off for my health, mind, and spirit can actually increase enough productivity to outpace time lost over the long term.

  37. “No days off” is a popular saying among people who like to think they are super driven. What they do not realize is how important an “off-day” really is for someone’s physical and mental health. A professional athlete needs to take an off-day to allow their body to recover in order for them to perform. The same thing goes for people in the workforce. Everyone needs to give themselves a mental break because it allows their body and mind to recuperate and perform at their highest level. Another advantage of an off-day is to decompress from stress that can build up from working. Stress can have long-term affects on the human body and is something we should all try and reduce as much as we can. The stigma around an off-day should not be the way it is because a true off-day allows for the human body to rest and recover in order for us to be at our top performance.

  38. I 100% agree with this article. You need to take days off so you can focus on your mental and physical health. Working long hours with no breaks can cause people to burn themselves out. I feel that healthy work/life balance is what keeps an employee focused and motivated to do a great job on their job. I believe having one day to be “unproductive” and to yourself helps you refocus on yourself. The rest helps you to reset yourself for the week and be center. Also, you need to make sure you are able to spend time with your family and give the the time they deserve.

  39. Excellent article! I tend to work so much that I find it difficult to unwind and remove my thoughts from the workplace. It takes a real effort to disengage and just relax at times. When I’m at home, I feel the need to do work around the house and it just defeats the purpose.

  40. That’s right and I believe everyone wants to take off a day or two in a week. But, when it is because of your own small business, you don’t care about working schedule, it doesn’t work for you and it is because you always think that the work you have done is not enough, you always think the task is incomplete, even if you hire staff, your mind doesn’t let you to stop working. But, the reality is that we really need to relax, and it’s actually give you a fresh mind to start again and a fresh mind enhance the productivity. I think it is more about time management, in small business owners need to spend time to stand on their own feet but at the same time they need to relax.

  41. Getting the proper amounts of rest is something everyone should do to help their overall productivity. This should be especially important to small business owners who may have only a few employees, and those few employees have to perform all of the work for their businesses. With a small work force it should be considered imperative to keep the employees well-rested so they can perform their best while they are working to be as productive as possible for the business. Small businesses may not have the luxury that large businesses have of being able to hire more people to distribute the workload among several people in order to avoid overworking the employees. Overworking employees could lead to burnout which could eventually hurt the business.
    Receiving sufficient rest sounds like it should be something easy to do, but many Americans evidently do not rest enough. According to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one third of American adults do not receive the recommended amount of sleep on a regular basis. Maybe their excessive work habits contribute to the lack of sleep, and ultimately lack of rest. The difficult part is probably convincing employers that their employees, and they themselves, might be more productive if they received proper amounts of rest.

    • Thanks for adding statistics to the Business Bloggers’ already-astute presentation of this incredibly real issue for the average working American – not getting enough sleep. The CDC’s statistic that more than one-third of adults in America do not receive the recommended amount of sleep is a sobering reality worth everyone’s attention. I would add that the issue of sleep alone (separate from working too many hours) is also impacted by too much screen-time and being excessively connected to social media and electronic devices. As a social worker for children, I have watched the incredible impact that increased “screen time” has on a child (and adult’s) well-being. The brain must rest! It concerns me greatly that we have elementary-aged children on their tablet or watching their TV in the bedroom until the early hours of the morning. Perhaps the overarching issue for children and adults alike on this topic of maintaining a work-life balance is learning to practice self-discipline and prioritizing things in our lives. What do we value as an “American” culture? The average person would answer money, position, success among other things. Why can’t we value family time, health, exercise, and ultimate happiness? Happiness doesn’t cost anything but for many people it is the most difficult thing to work to achieve.

  42. A few indelible thoughts come to mind when I think about the issue of so-called work-life balance. Or should I say the myth of so-called work-life balance. If I’m being brutally honest, I’ll admit that in my younger, more naïve days, I watched with suspicion as an older colleague, perhaps married with children, dared to escape the office for a “family something-or-other.” And this is to say nothing of an actual, healthy work-to-rest ratio that may or may not exist.

    Albeit silly, the fact that there is a saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” is evidence in itself of a pervasive work-rest imbalance in our culture. Now that I’m older and wiser, I almost consider the impulse to clear the daily to-do-list before six, a mental disorder.

    I firmly believe that we, overworked Americans, often mistake activity for accomplishment.

    And then there’s sleep. Or the general lack thereof in our workaholic culture. Too little sleep has a similar drunken-state-like effect on the overworked and under-rested that the Business Blogger refers to in his apt diagnosis of a problem that we all know exists but loathe to admit.

    To wit: Stan “The Man” Musial said his secret (to sustained excellence) was “eight hours of sleep a night.” I rest my case.

  43. This is very true, and one of the reasons I often turn in most of my school works at night after taking a nap when I am back home from work. No good work come from a tired mind or brain. I am assuming we all want some rests, but the reality of life does not allow us. We get weekends off but we never really be off as those are the days of doing family stuff, shopping, housework, and school work for those of us who are still in school. Break/rest is more important for our health but too bad that some of us could not afford them right now. Perhaps it is because we are in still in our early lives, and we have not done much or lived in this world long enough to start taking or asking for break or day off from our works. Regardless, I think we need a fresh start on every shift or segment of work that we have to begin, and that new start which has a high chance of increasing productivity could only be possible when we had a break/rests. That is also one of the reasons I like the morning/day shift. In the morning, my mind is fresh as it is just waking up from being in its haven (in sleeping mode).

  44. Thanks for sharing this great article Professor Yoest!

    While work-life balance is very valuable to employees, there are numerous ways that this concept can be looked at. Utilizing Chik-fil-A as an example is wonderful as they run a very profitable business only 6 days a week over the traditional 7.

    The practice of taking one day off a week is one that I’ve been striving to achieve more and more to maintain my overall wellbeing. Due to working 50+ hours a week I’ve found that working out, going out for food with friends, and just finding new attractions around DC are really great stress relievers. All of these activities help me re-gain energy for the week so I may be refreshed and energized for what’s to come.

  45. It is true that to achieve and maintain competitive advantage for any organization, hard work and innovation are crucial. However, to continue to grow as a person and to maintain a healthy lifestyle , breaks are necessary. I was puzzled in Germany my first duty station. These folks take more than an hour break for lunch, and during which they can have beers and a big plate of whatever. And yet, Germany is the leading economy in the European Union in particular and in Europe in general. To continue to be fully productive, an employee needs proper rest, and a time to decompress. Putting aside work related activities on a weekly basis could potentially have a boosting effect on productivity. It is understandable to work really hard at the inception of business , however, as time goes by, some adjustments are extremely important as we have only one life. Balancing life and work is also equally important, paraphrasing the late First Lady Bush, at the end of the day, we will not regret not achieving such and such project, such and such house, such and such social status, but we will surely regret not to have spend time with loves one.

  46. Calvin Chinanzvavana

    This is just a splendid read Professor Yoest!!!! Non-stop work is DEFINITELY bad for your health and bad for your productivity. Work-life balance is key to business success. As an individual who has been in a customer facing role at some point in time in my life, I found out that you are only as good as your last sale. However, the challenge I faced most of the time was burnout and feeling used and underappreciated due to non-stop work. I have also been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to have travelled and worked in many countries and continents across the globe and what I find is the USA is certainly one country that never sleeps, at any point in time of the day somebody is processing a transaction. I feel people just want to slow down and not do complex but unfortunately the system is built around minimal work-life balance as I have experienced it as a working parent in the country.

  47. Marina Pontes Oliveira

    I am a strong believer of some time off to refresh your mind, body and soul. We are not machines and exhaustion do no good for our innovative spirit and well-being. I also firmly agree with the exercise on the day off, as endorphin makes us happier and healthier. I often times find myself working over hours, and in those situations, I usually don’t see a clear answer, even if it is explicitly in front of me. If I give it a break and come back to it later, sometimes the answer comes in a matter of a few instants. Finally, I believe that by having these free moments, we can truly experience life, our loved ones, catch a movie or go to the park, and all these happenings assist us with new ideas, insights and plain innovation – and wouldn’t happen otherwise.

  48. Esther Ambouroue

    Thank you, Professor Yoest, for this article.

    A lot of people need to be reminded of this principle- not only small business owners but everyone that puts in the work during the week. Giving yourself time to relax is essential. There are 365 days in a year and it would be quite impossible to work every single one of those days while staying healthy whether it be mentally, spiritually, or something else. There is no doubt that one’s body has so much capacity to do the unthinkable but to excel in life, maximize one’s capacities, and better one’s creativity, the brain and body need time to do nothing whether it be 12 hours or 24 hours. This is something I have learned to realize this past year. Also, just like you said, one needs to have an accountability partner. Someone that will make sure to let us know respectfully but clearly how it is.

  49. hank you, Professor Yoest! Resting is crucial. Christians know that better than anyone else. Even God who is Almighty took an entire day to rest after creating the world.
    However, because of the seeking of results, productivity, benefits, and the economy, workers have less time to rest. Some work alcoholic people become addictive to work. Others want to rest more but because of reaching the number and results they keep working every day.
    In addition to being very bad for health (stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, stroke) working 24h also destroys social life and particularly families. Many divorces occur because of a work problem. Therefore, what are the advantages of working so hard, making money if one is not able to share the benefits with his/her close relative?
    Unfortunately, having a job that should give one a better life, liberty, and autonomy became a burden and turn many people as a slave.

  50. Komba Lebbie

    This piece hits home so hard! I always thought working hard is the key to success. I was wrong! I will argue that folks that work 7 days and 40 hours a week are mostly living on pay checks to pay checks. Working hard is not a requirement for wealth but-smart. In fact, when hard work competes with efficiency the latter wins.

    I just realized that my age should not determine my retirement. If I work efficiently, I should be able to retire from 40 hours per week job and relaunch myself. What does it pay to live a workaholic life and still leaving poor? In fact, God himself had to rest. The truth is man by nature needs a time of ataraxy. To reflect on the past and recalibrate for the future.

  51. Darnell Albert El

    Well that may be possible in some industries but as a substance abuse counselor I can’t take as day when I don’t do group therapy or individual counseling it just not possible. I have to reserve it to the weekends when I am off.

  52. Every now and then I will stumble across a video on YouTube or Instagram featuring a story of an old villager living in a far off country who has allegedly operated his business 12+ hours every day of his life for the last, say 50 years. I understand what the publishers of the video are trying to tell me: “Look at this old man. See his amazing dedication. Take notice of his calloused hands or wobbling legs. Behold his craftsmanship which he has taken years to master. Admire him. You should be like him.” While I appreciate the motivational sentiment I cannot help but wonder, “Where is his family? Where does he live? What does this man do in his spare time outside of his business?” It is true I see great dedication in the old man, but I have seen greater dedication in men and women who after returning from a long vacation or hiatus are hungry to get back to work. While it is true his craftsmanship is marvelous, great craftsmanship is not necessarily acquired through 24/7 12-hour workdays; I have seen equally marvelous works in the Western world. My point is while there are some useful takeaways from stories like these the one message I’m happy to leave behind is the advocacy of nonstop work. Work is a means to an end with the end goal being rest and enjoying things unrelated to work. We work so that we may live; it should not be the other way around.

  53. Thank you for this insightful article, prof. Yoest!

    I agree with you that taking a day off and just rest is very important to be more productive and effective. Allowing a day off from work to enjoy, relax and cherish the wonderful things that you have in your life (spend time with your family, read novel or just do nothing) can make you more creative. Often, we forget to appreciate the value of life because we are too busy working and fixing things and forget to take care of own health. I agree with your trick “Put those hours into 6 days — not 7” and would love to implement it in my professional life.

    It is true that it is nearly impossible for a small business owner to take even a day off as their income source depend upon the owner’s daily activities. But I think your trick can help small business owners as well. To summarize, taking a day off in midweek or in weekends can help an individual in reducing stress and anxiety so that individuals can work with fresher, calmer and clearer mind for the rest of week.

  54. Christian Walker

    I agree wholeheartedly with this idea. It’s something that I have been doing consistently for the past 3 years and will continue to do long into the future. Resting is vital for your overall health and well-being. Working and spending too much time at work may seem to be effective but it’s detrimental to many aspects of your health and life outside of work. I always take Sundays as my “rest and relaxation day”. I don’t do work-related tasks, schoolwork, answer calls unless they’re urgent, respond to texts, or anything else that I don’t feel like doing. I simply spend the day relaxing and doing what I want to do, whatever that may be. I always say, “Even God took a day to rest.” Working nonstop doesn’t prove anything to anyone. It shows that you value work over everything else, idolizing it and that you don’t have a life outside of work. People weren’t created to spend the majority of their life working, so work less and enjoy life more. Recent studies have shown that shortening the workweek to 4 days or 32 hrs./week increased productivity across the board. Limiting the time of the workweek essentially eliminated a lot of the idle time employees spend being distracted, on their phone, or trying to pass the time. Not only does the organization benefit from the increased productivity, but the workers get more personal time outside of work so it’s a win-win.

  55. Roscoe Conkling

    Finding a good work/life balance is very difficult for those running a small business. I watched my father work nearly 80 hours a week for 20 years without ever taking a vacation while running a small store. At least back in the day, there were no cellphones so you could take a break when you closed for the day. Nowadays, I see small business owners on their phones constantly, even on their days off. There is no balance in their lives and I have seen a fair share struggle to have any type of meaningful relationship even with their own spouse or children. The proposed idea of taking one whole day off seems like a wonderful plan if possible. Being able to dedicate time to being unproductive and being able to recharge your batteries will make a world of difference, not just for stress and your health but also for maintaining positive relationships with those you care about.

  56. One major area that is affected by taking it easy is your health. Research has been conducted on the effect of rest and relaxation on a number of health issues, but the data on the effects of a day off or more on heart health is particularly convincing.
    Work-related stress is the underlying cause of so many health problems, and relationship problems for that matter, yet we tend to associate this type of stress with the likes of big business workers like investment bankers and high flying entrepreneurs, but in truth it can happen to anyone.
    Another area that is directly affected by the toll of the hustle and bustle of work is your mental health. And it may be the most important reason to take a day off. Because how you feel directly controls how satisfied you are with your life and your job. The role of well-deserved leisure in reducing stress and increasing life satisfaction may seem like a no-brainer.
    Hard work does pay off, but you’ll never get to enjoy those rewards if you’re always working. The whole point of taking a day off or working a set amount of hours is so you can focus on other aspects of your life outside of work. It could be your health, family, a hobby or you simply didn’t feel like going in. For instance, you didn’t take time off or request a certain schedule to be bombarded with work-related issues during your days off. This is the purpose of having a work-life balance.

    Thank you for this inspiring article professor Yoest.

  57. Resting is essential, something that some have to learn the hard way. I personally struggle with work like balance..I work fulltime as a surgical coordinator, I am a fulltime graduate student than I am in charge of 100+ Soldiers in the reserves. I wake up by 5:30am every morning and wander off to bed close to 1:00 am. I thought nothing of it, believing that the ends justify the means. The balance I believed I had was a delicate one that was thrown to the wayside once this novel corona virus reached the states. I am now buried with work from the hospital, the Army and my courses which are all online, waking up in the middle of the night with fears that I forgot to complete a task, send an email or speak to an employee. My sister asked me what am I doing for leisure and the answer was work…dark days have set in. I say all that to outline the point that work life balance is essential and if we are not careful we become the job and lose ourselves. Thank you for the interesting and very relevant article Prof Yoest.

  58. I think this problem has grown since the cell phone and then Blackberry and then smartphone came onto the scene. I can quite clearly remember getting my first handset from work and feeling really important. Then the realization that I was basically chained to my desk 24 hours a day. It is very difficult to take real breaks from work, there’s always a strange sense of guilt in the background. So many articles do address this issue nowadadys, and how important it is, on all levels, for us to really take a break. It makes me think of the old saying that as far as deathbed regrets go, the one you NEVER hear is “I wished I’d worked more”. I think this work-life balance idea is a real winner – it’s a sure way to increase morale and retention anyway, so it’s good for business all round. The more business articles I read, the more I get the message that “human resources” is not just about skills, employees, jobs, techniques, etc., but about people. Employees fulfill functions, but people are much more than skillsets, and they need more than just money to live on, and to live for.

  59. To be more productive. Do nothing, one day a week. I agree, heresy. I am always in motion. I feel guilty when I am not doing “something productive”. I have always been that way. This article made me reflect on why I decided to go back to school. I do not need to get another degree. It will not help me at all. It will not help me in my current profession, and I am not changing professions. So why am I choosing to spend valuable time that could be spent “doing nothing” in school? School was a bucket list item for me. Not something I had to do, something I wanted to do. But I need to wonder why? Why did I make the decision to add more to my day, instead of taking time to just relax? Especially after I read this article. The article did make me stop and think, why am I always looking to fill my time with work? Why do I feel I need to be on the treadmill all the time? I wish I had a good answer, maybe because there is not a good answer. The article really made me pause. I know I feel better on the days I relax with my family—away from school, chores, and work. I need to schedule self-time into my day, week, and month. I hope by setting a new standard for myself, everything-to include family and work will benefit.

  60. I thought this article was a great read to talk about something that is not really talked about in the world of business – taking a day off! In today’s world, people love to idealize being busy. College students love to brag about their seven courses and internships, businesses love to show that they are constantly working hard to come up with new concepts and ideas for a business. I think it is great that as a society, we like to better ourselves, but it simply is not the way to achieve in the long run. Recooperating and resting are a key part to being successful in this world. Our society does strive to be “productive” all the time. We want to constantly see results in the things we do, however that is not a realistic approach to achieving any sort of long term goal. Being productive means allowing yourself to take a break. Being productive in your mind is a great alternative. Scheduling time to take time off is just as important is scheduling time to be on.

  61. Currently, I have to work from home five days a week because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It seems like my work and home life morphed in to one. I have mastered the skill of multi tasking over the past three months. I have to juggle, learning new communication tools, different ways to perform tasks and household responsibilities. My main goal is to not miss an assignment. It has been difficult with social distancing to effectively communicate with people.

    It is hard for my mind to shut down with so many obligations. I’m constantly thinking about the next thing that needs to get done. However, I realized that it is unhealthy to push myself too hard. So, I schedule one day to do nothing. I call it the recovery day. It allows me to do something out of the ordinary like, turn of my computer and cell phone and disconnect from everyone. It gives my mind a chance to recharge. I focus on personal goals or things that make me happy. I also reward myself with something special like a cheat meal or a new purchase.

    It helps me to mediate and reflect on my blessings. Everyone should try to take one day off. It does wonders for the mind, body and soul.

  62. The balance between work and life for many professionals, especially in America, is very heavily leaning towards work. As the author shared, professionals are addicted to work and do not know when to stop. There are always excuses for why one needs to work extra hours on the weekend or stay late at the office, but honestly, the work will always be there, while life will not. It is so important for people to have a clear delineation between their professional and personal lives. I feel that it is important for habits to be established early in one’s career for how to clock out at quitting time and enjoy life. I’ve found that the company culture and actions of leadership help to encourage either these good or bad work habits.

    Drawing the line between the two and ensuring that we take a day or two of rest is so important, especially during these times we are living in. Since people are working at home, there are not as many physical barriers in place between work-life and home-life as compared to a few short months ago. Now more than ever, people need to be creative with their work and home life balance and really try to take time to rest.

  63. Ah, the infamous work-life balance. Such an interesting topic! In my opinion, the subject of over-working not taking time to rest is one of the great divides in our society. You have those who work 60-70+ hours a week, with such dedication, such commitment, that the think resting is an inhibitor to accomplishing tasks or being successful. Then you have those who, even when they have jobs, they may barely put in 15-20 hours of work in a 40-hour workweek. Now, I have not done the research to suggest that those who work more hours are more successful than those who work 20 when you compare them on the level of productivity in whatever their jobs are, however, I would believe that the energy exerted by the former, is exponentially more. As a person who has studied Management for over 10 years, I can say that there is a such thing as working smarter and not harder. Implementing a schedule of resting and taking a break from work, is essential to one’s ability to store the brain, re-focus, and maintain a consistent level of effort each day, as opposed to the lull that can happen when a person is still trying to operate at a diminished level.

  64. Roger Scott Blackburn

    There is truth in the old saying that you excel in doing what you love. However, too much of anything can be counterproductive. I grew up in the south, and have always heard southerners say my entire life, “Hard work never hurt anyone!” Never mind the fact that Queen Elizabeth is pushing 100 years old, had nice dinners all her life, and not much physical work under her belt; yet Wilber down on the farm with blisters all over his hands only made it to 45. The greater example can be the numerous widows who all outlived their late husbands who worked continuously for year and years, yet these widows stayed home taking care of flower gardens. Not sure if this has any basis for fact, but it is an interesting scenario to examine and think about. If we look at Japan, which has invented rest periods at many companies, complete with rooms with recliners, so that each employee can take a nap when tired; we can see that perhaps there is some truth to the notion that a well rested employee produces far better results, than does a tired or stressed out employee.

    Roger S. Blackburn

  65. This article is eye-opening for all individuals who want to succeed in their career or business. Employees who want to get a promotion or entrepreneurs who want to improve their establishment will work as much as possible to achieve their goals. Hard workers and diligent individuals believe the long days will eventually pay off. The days will pay off, but it is very important to find a balance and an outlet for stress. Stress can lead to burnout, which can affect your work ethics. Working every day, thinking about the same deadlines and deliverables can affect your physical and mental health. One day off will benefit your mind, body and profession.

  66. I couldn’t agree more! So many people work themselves to death. Literally. Overworking yourself has serious consequences – mental and physical ones. Working more does not equivalate to being more productive. Doing less can actually accomplish more. I believe that productivity comes from properly utilizing time in order to maximize achievements. Working smarter not harder plays an important role in achieving an abundance of success. As an individual that has been raised to see success through job titles and higher education, I’ve had to grow to learn for myself that work does not and will never truly define my mental success. There is more to success than an uncontrollable need to work ceaselessly. Success comes from doing the work within yourself. People have to keep their humanity intact to effectively succeed. I have found that when I mentally and physically overwork myself, I burnout. When I burnout, I am challenged to grow more emotionally and spiritually to survive. Overcoming burnout is never easy and it can take a great deal of motivation and redevelopment of self-esteem to positively push through. To avoid burnout more employees should work to live, not live to work. I believe the key to long term work-mind balance is having the goal to work the least number of hours for the highest amount of pay.

  67. I read a story a little while ago about a man who worked a lot. He worked so much that his wife put him out (of the bed) and told him to sleep on the couch. She was tired of not seeing him, tired of him picking up extra shifts, and tired of him coming home exhausted. He never made it off the couch because he died in his sleep. There’s another story about a woman in Japan named Miwa Sado whose boss made her work long hours…often after hours and overtime. I got the impression from the story that taking time off was not encouraged. She ended up passing away from heart failure.

    We need to take time off. Work is only a fraction of our lives ( or, it should be in my opinion) and we need to do things that recharge and fuel us. Wellness is so important to our health, both physically and mentally. When we start to feel burnout creeping up, we must take the necessary steps to turn the clock backwards. Taking breaks at work to go for a walk, eat a snack, look away from the screen, and commune with colleagues are simple ways to incorporate some balance. When home, we should (if we can) unplug. Be with friends and family, play with your dog, or just sit and do nothing. No amount of pay is worth your health.

  68. Many people believe they can work as long and hard as they want if they really enjoy their work. The fact is any work that has significant and continuing frustration, conflict, and pressure can lead to burnout, i.e. people feel the work is no longer meaningful to them. Just like a rubberband, if we stretch it too hard for a long time, it would lose its elasticity and strength and become useless.

    We also frequently hear people blame they are too busy and cannot stop. Actually it is not they cannot stop, instead it is they don’t want to stop. When people need to change their behavior, they need to change their mindset first. If you are one of those people, ask these questions: if you feel you cannot stop because you are earning money for the family, then ask your wife and children whether they ONLY need money from you; if you feel you should earn more money now when you are young and enjoy the life for later, ask yourself whether your children’s childhood memory would be changed later. I believe when you have the answers to the questions, your mindset will change and you will actively look for solutions to reach the work-family balance.

  69. Live to work or work to live, which is best? Similar to this article, many have said that Americans live to work, and work, and work. In the states, people tend to work up until their 60s and 70s, constantly focusing on making money and not taking the time to enjoy life. In addition, this type of lifestyle is not only unhealthy but it adds to a decline in work performance. By allowing a business to close for a full 24 hours, frees up time for employees to focus on their mental, physical, and emotional selves. Which should be a priority for many organizations that value their employees.
    I used to work for a company that would often discourage employees from working overtime, partly because of the extra pay needed to pay for those extra hours, but also because the company valued their employees’ wellbeing. Unfortunately, certain managers would find loopholes around their clocked hours; clocking out but remaining in the store and continuing to work. However, one of the managers took this too far by staying in the building long after the staff left for the day, on many occasions. This manager was eventually caught and fired because she violated both safety guidelines and theft hazards.

  70. Roger Scott Blackburn

    There is truth in the old saying that one excels at what one loves doing. If you are happy then your stress level may be low, even though you work a lot of hours. While someone who works less hours may work harder and be more stressed, as they hate their job. I believe that this scenario probably depends on the individual. Nothing affects every person the same. Nor is ever person affected the same physically by how many hours they work. Some people can take more hardship than others can. However, not getting enough sleep and rest can have its toll on almost anyone in the long run as well, regardless of how good of physical shap a person is in. People have to do what they think is best for them anyway, so no matter what we say here, they will continue until they can continue no more. This is human nature.

  71. Elizabeth Cabral

    Overall, the article was interesting and brought up important points about working every day without rest or a break. I agree that working non-stop is terrible for your health and productivity. I never knew that working 21 continuous hours has the same effect as being drunk. Although I do not drink caffeine to stay awake, I understand the stress and difficulties related to working all day then doing homework at night. I think you made some interesting points about how working fewer hours at the office can help the overall productivity of the employees. At my workplace, we have two 15-minute breaks that we can take throughout the day to help spark our creativity and productivity. They recommend taking a walk or just walking around to help stimulate our minds and relax. Chick-fil-A is an excellent example of how companies can still be successful and productive by having no one working one day of the week. It also creates new business standards through pioneering employee and company success. Advertising that they are not open on Sundays keeps the company accountable and allows the whole company to rest on Sundays, which fosters a positive working environment. The most important lesson from this article is that you should rest one day a week and exercise on that day.

  72. Marybeth Osazuwa

    After reading this article I was able to gain much information and insight throughout. This article discusses a very important topic that many individuals can relate to on a daily basis. Within the work environment many supervisors, employers, and employees. In many situations, individuals tend to perform tasks to the best of their knowledge and ability. However, in the process of doing so, individuals can overwork themselves, or become so consumed in their work that they tend to disregard time for themselves. While it is great to complete tasks, remain productive and, accomplishing goals that are to be met, it is highly necessary and important to rest and take time to relax. Without a healthy mind and full rest, it is hard for an individual to work to the best of their ability.

  73. This article proves a great point which is that employees need rest to be the most effective and productive. While people enjoy being held to high standards, many people see themselves getting carried away with working extra hours. During this continued remote workstyle, it is harder for people to get things done during their normal working hours because they are not used to working at home. When a person is at home, they feel more inclined to procrastinate and do other things that would not occur in the office. The negative effect of this is that employees are working a different schedule than they would be in the workplace, which causes them to work later and sometimes on weekends. More and more companies, before the pandemic, were implementing sleeping/resting areas for employees to catch a quick power nap or a quiet place to relax. These subtle attributes made by a company impact the company in a positive way, because they are providing the option for the employee to not get over stressed and to rest. While many people still overwork themselves, it is important for managers to check-in and make sure their employees are doing fine and performing to the best of their abilities

  74. As a privileged millennial, I cannot even think about the workplace without having a break. The company I work for even encourages “mental health break” in case people are feeling burnout. Which happen quite often. Moreover, we should understand that even when we do what we love, our bodies work differently than a machine and need a certain level of rest to keep on functioning well. I understand the main generations’ differences, and feel for people who did not have the opportunity to admit that they needed a day off, therapist, etc. Recently, we had a great example of bravery, and the need of a break. Simone Biles, the American gymnast, decided to remove herself from the Olympics after realizing that it was jeopardizing her mental health. I am so proud of her and so honored to live in an era that this act was seeing as it is, an act of courage!

  75. I loved this week’s article.

    Rest is a weapon we can use against frustration, stress, work-related accidents, boredom, poor performances, and emotional problems. Rest is the antidote for these safety and health issues.
    “And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the fruits thereof: But the
    seventh-year thou shalt let it rest and lie still;” Exodus 23:10-11
    Nature knows and abides by this rule. Nature has a way of telling us for everything; there is a season. Like every morning is a gift, a new beginning to do good, rest let us come new, energetic, regrouped, and with a fresh perspective. Too much of everything, in this case, work, is an addiction. Working until the last drop is tiresome and makes one stressed. We can be best in our addictions/what we do, but that doesn’t mean they are beneficial for our healthy growth. Gears have to be lubricated to start new and fresh to run smoothly and with less friction. We should always maintain the balance to be successful in what we do for a more extended period and be a person of character and values by investing in ourselves that comes from a restful mentality. Rest is also a mindset we can move into.

  76. I often hear entrepreneurs say, “I left the 9-5 life so I could go work 24/7.” I think all types of work can lead to overt stress and burnout. However, growing up with entrepreneurs as well as not working a 9-5, I heavily relate to the topics mentioned in this article. When work comes home with you (or your home is work), it’s easy to wake up and immediately start working. It’s also easy to find ourselves in bed with our laptops, trying to finish a few more things before our eyes no longer can stay open. Giving ourselves a scheduled off-day or break is really important because, as mentioned, it leads to a higher productivity rate. Making sure this day is a true off-day is really important. It’s easy to answer a few emails but when our mind can’t take a full break, then it really isn’t a rest day after all.

    Athletes need to rest their bodies and should have an off-day once a week. People in the workforce should do the same so they can stay refreshed and motivated.

  77. KiAsia Anderson

    I felt that this article discussed an important standpoint as it relates to an over commitment to a job. Often, we want to invest all of our time to a career because we want to be successful in our roles. So subsequently, we stay late at work throughout the week, or we’ll volunteer to work on our day off just to get ahead of our assignments. We believe that if we do this, then our hard will pay off in our career goals, retirement, and future generations. On the other hand, we must understand that this type of mentality will cause our mental health to suffer immensely. Therefore, it is important that we utilize our time off and focus on us as beings. If we do not take care of ourselves, then how can we be sufficient in our responsibilities? As a mental health advocate, I mention this point to my supervisor as she stretches herself thin due to several commitment she has on her plate. She strives for perfection as a small business owner and carry a huge burden on her shoulders not only for staff, for the students. Therefore, it is important for her to value her own well-being so that she can be productive.

  78. I’m all about taking a day to rest! My brother studied exercise science in school and he and I talk all the time about the importance of rest in an exercise routine. The body needs a chance to recover to build the muscles it’s been using. Ironically, he also owns a small business and hardly finds time to rest! Perhaps if he applied exercise science to his small business, he would see unexpected advantages in his own productivity.

  79. Christopher Beckman

    The article this week really strikes home for me. I do a lot of traveling for work, only to come home and do even more work. There are times that I fly home with enough time to do some laundry and have a night with the family to turn around and fly back out the next day. Burnout is a real factor for managers to consider in today’s global business market. The article highlighted the typical small business owners drive and go go go mentality. The author also highlighted the thought that individuals are more willing to put in the extra hours when the action taking place isn’t so much a job but rather a hobby or action they want to undertake. This is also true in my eyes and something I can very much align with. When I do have some downtime and am able to work in the yard on my garden I find myself outside from sun up until sundown and feel invigorated knowing it’s what I want to do and where I want to be.

  80. It seems nowadays working a 60-hour work week is “typical” or “standard” and just typing that phrase makes me exhausted. I am, like many, amongst this group of “work-a-holics” who just can’t seem to slow down and take a break. We find ourselves filling up our schedules and spreading ourselves so thin – but why? I just said to my colleague the other day – “I feel like I am running on E with no finish line in sight” and that is when I knew I had to start taking more time for myself.

    Ironically, I actually took a personal day today to try and refuel for my busy time of year at work in a few short weeks. It was a much needed break from my work at my full-time job, but here I am – using my day “off” to still be productive and get some grad school assignments completed – I am still working and technically not taking the day “off”.

    After reading this article, it made me realize the only thing I should be doing today, on my day off, is be unproductive or break a sweat.

  81. I think that taking one day off is a great idea. Nowadays people are working 7 days a week and bringing their work home. It is consuming their lives to the point where they don’t even take time to spend with family. Many companies now are encouraging workers to take time off during the day, as they see the benefit of this. Working non-stop will only hurt the employees in the long run, leading to burnout quicker than usual. Chick-Fil-A is a great example of how taking a day off can still leave the company successful, as they have been doing this since 1946. That one day of rest makes all the difference for employees and bosses within an organization.

  82. More isn’t always better and sometimes less is more. We often consume ourselves with the idea that working long hours and overtime will lead to greater productivity and performance. However, research shows that this isn’t necessarily the case. I find myself being more efficient and productive when I put boundaries on my work and the hours that go into working when I get home. It is difficult at times to turn the “work” switch off, but it is critical to have a balance between work and life outside of work. I tend to do my best work and highest quality work when I find time during the week to step back and shut off for a bit. That is sometimes easier said than done, especially when you need to meet deadlines and are getting pressured by your supervisor to get the job done. That “never stop” attitude will catch up with individuals though and can lead to burnout. Overworking can also lead to more serious health concerns both physical and mental. It is important to find time to decompress and detach from work every now and then even if that means a day off during the work week. There are times when long days and nights are required to get things done, but there must also be time during the year to reset physically and mentally.

  83. As a small business owner, I enjoyed reading this article. It served as a great reminder to slow down and smell the roses. I am the kind of guy that when I make a commitment to something, I give it my all. And my small business is no exception. It can be hard to stop working for a full day because we provide dog-walking and pet-sitting services every day of the week, and there is always something to do. Even when I am not on my computer or phone, I often find myself thinking about my business. Fortunately, my business is home-based so I can be with my family most of the time. But working from home has its challenges, including actually turning off from work and being fully present with my family. I have been working on being more mindful of this and keeping healthy boundaries between work and home. Thanks to Mr. Yoest, I am now considering taking one full day off every week. My business partner could take over during my off days, and I could do the same for her. I agree that exercise is a great way to spend your off time and would highly recommend walking. It is an underrated form of exercise that improves physical and mental health.

  84. We pay for the nonstop work culture which brands us “American”. Organizations may pay generous overtime and give bonuses for overperformance. It is so tempting to keep working on a problem until it is solved. This results in 14 hour work days, in some cases. But the price is paid in our health. Mental and physical health both suffer when we do not take one day of real rest. What business knows, of course is how the quality of our work and decision-making “under the influence” has a negative impact on the bottom line. We tend to make more mistakes when working while tired and stressed. Taking off enough time to wind down and restore ourselves can prevent burnout and stress-related illness. Disengaging from the demands of work to focus on self improves our work-life balance and quality of life.

  85. Antonia Hawkins-Johnson

    This article struck a nerve for me, one that absolutely needed to be struck. I am guilty of being on the go without rest or an unproductive day with mindless activities. I am not a manager or a small business owner, I however am a mother of five children. My days within the last twenty three years consist of: Morning school drop off’s for my kids, working seven hour days, evening pickups, evening classes for myself (sometimes taking the kids to class with me), kids sport practices, home to make dinner, help with homework and baths, getting clothes out for the myself and younger kids, finally going to bed, and repeat. As a single mother I never learned how to relax because it is always something to be done. I can honestly admit if I do lay around on an off day I plan for myself, I feel guilty for being unproductive. What a shame! As my kids get older I do find a little more down and relaxation time to myself, though I seem to have to constantly tell my kids “I am not a robot” because now they always need a ride somewhere. Once I finish my Master’s degree I plan to focus more on work/life balance with more time for resting, relaxation, and ME time. 

  86. Esther G Esparza

    I never really thought about taking a day, a full day, for rest. I’ve thought of my work ethic as always being at work. Even on days where I am technically off (Saturday and Sunday), I’m still thinking about work. Invariably, there’s something that needs to get done or some project or presentation is coming up. It was interesting to me to read, “Of the industrialized nations, none works more hours than the US of A.” Do we equate hours at work with success? Are we slacking if we work only 40 hours or less? I think the emphasis on work-life balance, is a direct reflection of the need for rest. All those extra hours aren’t making us more productive; they’re just causing us to burn out. The small business owner perhaps will continue to have the hardest time taking a day to rest. After all, this is their livelihood, their baby, and the need to make sure everything is running just right means working 24/7. Or does it? I believe a culture change that emphasizes the need for rest is currently in effect. Maybe more data and studies showing the benefits of rest will help further the work-life balance effort and make it more commonplace.

  87. Off days are extremely important in preventing stress and burnout. I really enjoyed reading this article and the comments on taking a day off, because especially in the world of technology where everyone always has access to messaging and emailing, it can be difficult to remove yourself completely from work. Working in athletics is difficult at a university where there are 25+ sports that the office needs to take care off, so it can be hard to decide to push everything off until Monday for a day off. Sometimes making yourself NOT work for a day is just as difficult getting up Monday morning and getting your self to work. Establishing boundaries for yourself and sticking to them may be difficult at first, but ultimately will contribute to better mental and physical health. Even though I love my job, I find that if I go a week or two with doing something work-related everyday, I start to enjoy it less. Giving myself a full day off lets me recharge and fully enjoy what I am doing the next day. I think this past year of working from home has made this difficult, but I think that being able to separate work from home by going into the office will definitely help me stick to this a lot better this coming year.

  88. In today’s workforce, companies are pressing deadlines and thus pressing employees harder than ever. Especially in businesses operating seven days a week in order to meet deadlines and expectations. I’ve seen first hand that this wears down employees, from top to bottom, eventually causing burnout and turnover. I agree strongly that a business should take at least one day off for the health and sanity of its workers. I previously worked in a county in north New Jersey where our business could not operate on Sunday lest we get fined and honestly it was great having that day off. It guaranteed that myself and my staff would be free that day and gave us all some piece of mind heading into Saturday that the next day we could rest. As to results, personally it was great for myself having that single day to rest and get ready for another week. Our office thrived and the biggest thing I miss was we could schedule outings to visit a bar or play a sport and nobody was at work missing out.

  89. After reading this article, it brought me back to the time when I lived in Germany. One of the thoughts that has stuck with me is how much happier and satisfied with life individuals seemed to be. Especially when it came to work/life balance. When I first got over there and realized minimal stores were open on Sundays and it seemed there were holiday weekends where everything was closed, I was frustrated. However, after some time that frustration turned into appreciation. Individuals enjoy long work breaks and adequate time off. They work hard when required but also enjoy time off. It also seems as though Europeans are happier with a simplified lifestyle. They have what they need and that’s enough, it’s not about how much can I get. After my appreciation for their culture continued to grow, it was time to move back to the States, where it seems as though it’s a work hard and greedy lifestyle with little time off and few rewards. Do we work to live or live to work? Certainly seems like the answer to that question depends on where you live but I don’t think any of us enjoy living to work.

  90. This article struck me so hard! I used to feel guilty whenever I was being ‘unproductive’. Doing nothing for me seemed to be a waste of my precious time. I was always busy at work that I don’t have time to eat my lunch or even go to the restroom. I had my work emails connected to my phone so that during the nights or weekends or my vacation days when someone emailed me at work, I could respond quickly even if there was not an immediate need for me to reply. But was I really being productive? Just because I was always busy did not mean that I was contributing something for the company because most of the stuffs that I was busy working with were insignificant tasks. I got overwhelmed and stressed that I became inefficient with my work.

    I then realized, work was never ending, I cannot finish or solve everything with ‘one sitting’, and I needed to do something for my own physical and mental health. I then had a careful assessment of all the tasks that was on my plate and sorted them out with those that were important, urgent and those that did not fall between those 2, and in due time, I found myself having more free time and not feeling at fault of not being productive. Well, I still know time is important and we all have the same 24 hours in a day, I learned to prioritize, to manage, and to protect my time with what is important not just for my professional development and career growth but also for myself.

  91. Advice so easily given, and yet so difficult to follow. This is one skill that I personally have been struggling quite a bit with recently. As a coach of a young developing team I feel that the more hours I can put in to the team and the more work I do, the quicker and better results my team will have. I know this isn’t the case, and I know that I need to find balance. I think this is harder to do in a job where you are the direct contact for athletes or students. Relationship type jobs are harder to build out that day. While, yes, I can plan on having one day off a week, and we are mandated by the NCAA to not have practice or activity one day a week, it is increasingly difficult to detach on that day. I’m still the contact point. What happens if an athlete has a question or a crisis? I want to be accessible. Blending the accessibleness while also managing time for self and family is something I have personally struggled to find in my short career as a collegiate coach. I have found this pretty consistent across my profession, and it is something we all know as problematic, but few have great advice to solve it.

  92. Ngoltoingar Chantal Bayor

    I am glad to read this article, because according to the book of Genesis 2:2-3 “And by the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on that day He rested from all His work. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because on that day He rested from all the work of creation that He had accomplished”. So, if even God, the creator of people, planet and all products took one day to rest, why are we not following his example? I agree with the writer when he states in the article that “So. To be more productive. Do nothing, one day a week”. It is hard nowadays to stay without phone but it is healthier to do it. My friends and families are surprised when vacation for me mean first three days with no phone, computer or TV. Then anything else. The result is that I feel fresh and energized after that. For me the first and best product and capital in the world is our body mind and spirit. We have to invest on it first.

  93. Geraldinne Silva Sanchez

    Great article! As a business student and an HR team leader, I am always told that the 20s are to work harder and extra hours. People say that because my body is young, I can handle more extra work. Yet is it true? In my opinion, any human being needs a day off to rest either physically or mentally. Some studies prove that working over 60 hours per week increases the rate of injury hazards. Google a multinational technology company, has implemented a new department called “people operations”. This department is their new human resources. The company has implemented better promotions, transfers, days off, vacation time, sick time, and more to ensure employees’ happiness and retention. This is a perfect example of how employees can be more productive working fewer hours. Personal health is crucial, yet most of us do not prioritize it. I completely agree with this article, taking a day off is highly important. We deserve a rest, we deserve a work/life balance.

  94. This article really hit home. It’s not just small business owners that need to heed this article’s advice, although with the additional personal investment, it’s easier to see how they won’t. With ever-increasing accessibility, blurring of home to work balance, and the need to seem uber-successful in all areas of life, taking time to oneself or unplugging can be extremely difficult. It is something I struggle with and from other numerous comments, it is clear I am not alone in that struggle. Even when I manage to take a whole weekend “off,” I find myself feeling guilty if I don’t accomplish a week’s worth of “honey-do” items from the chore list. One work replaces the other, with the same never-ending feeling. But by taking the time to relax, to be present, to be active for the goal of raising those endorphins and serotine levels, you can start to negate the tolls of stress, improving your mental, physical, and even spiritual health. And those improvements can enhance your mood, memory, cognition, and therefore, productivity – a win/win for you and your business, as this article points out. It seems like a no-brainer…now to figure out how to adapt your priorities to make it all happen….

  95. The adage, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” comes to mind after reading this article. Many people, especially those that work in retail or small business owners, work themselves to the point of becoming sick. Not taking much needed time off for themselves. Sometimes people are willing to work themselves to the point of exhaustion due to a need for money. If their company is willing to pay the overtime, they are willing to work. Others are motivated to work, whether it’s from the love of their job or a desire to prove themselves ready for a promotion. Ensuring that everyone takes time off to recharge is the responsibility of the business leadership. Leaders must set the example – take time off when they are scheduled to, not answer the phones when not at work or respond to email. Leaders should also strongly encourage their direct reports to do the same. Creating a culture of work life balance where employees are not afraid to take their time off or go on a vacation is key to retaining a mentally strong workforce.

    While I agree that it is important to manage one’s work life balance, I also fee that sometimes you must put in the work to have the life. I find the adage “work hard, play hard” more often fits the mindset of successful leaders and executives. Working to deliver on the needs and objectives of the company can not always be accomplished within a 40-hour work week, but there should be flexibility given to those who find themselves working extra hours. Working extra hours should result in additional time away to rest and recharge.

  96. I really enjoyed the brutal honesty of this post about how people, especially small business owners get caught overworking themselves. Day to day life is centered around the job or jobs that you have and obviously to live and have a life you want there needs to be work involved. Its when that work becomes the only thing that matters to you that in my opinion it becomes a problem. I am in a place where I work mutliple jobs, often running from one to the other on a daily basis. What I personally have realised is that i can only handle that lifestyle for so long and ultimatly I do get burnt out even when these are all jobs I genuinley enjoy. I try to take time to travel and break up my work schedule as much as I can becasue I work to pay for the things that I enjoy doing outside of those jobs. Also I often acknowledge that these jobs are not life and death and me missing a few emails or taking a day of will not stop my jobs from functioning.

  97. Berhanu Sinamo DEBOCH

    The article stated very well about the necessity of rest in the world of work especially in the small business. As we know, every small business owner wants to own a successful and profitable business but it’s not always clear how to get there. For the millions of North Americans who own and operate a business, getting enough rest is an essential part of staying successful, yet it can be difficult to do. In the USA most of the migrant employees work more than 6o hours in a week. Recently one of my friends has shared his experience regarding the working hours’ conditions. In every week he had worked 80 hours for three months but later he faced physical pain and heath complications like high blood pressure, unhealthy eating and other impacts. He cannot continue his work as usual and later he decided to reduce the working hours to less than 60 hours in a week.

    I agree with the idea of Truett Cathy, who stated that business owners should consider a day off for the effective work environment and good result. Being closed on Sunday or having another day off allowed workers time to recover physically, emotionally and spiritually. Therefore, rest is very essential in any kind of work because we are human beings.

  98. This really sums up how I feel about work and being productive! I am guilty of it myself sometimes of overworking or letting work seep into my ‘off-time’ This isn’t me saying it for anyone to feel bad for me, but I believe our culture has shaped me into never being able to fully turn it off. Technology is partially to blame because emails flood into the inbox far after we step out of the office. I personally have a hard time not opening emails and letting them sit there ‘untouched’ As of recently, I have found myself having days off on Monday’s. I treat my Monday like a Sunday and do all my stuff to reset for the week. Get a good workout in, do the laundry, clean the apartment, grocery shop and mentally prepare for the week. For someone who doesn’t currently have a ton of free time outside of work, this is my day of relaxation and I have come to enjoy my routine. This might not seem enjoyable to all as a day off, but I am learning to turn the work off and address that come Tuesday. I look forward to them and truly rely on this reset to prevent any burnout or fatigue where I am just getting by and scraping through the work day! Nice article.

  99. Danielle Waldschmidt

    I love the work I do and I’m willing to put in the work needed to be successful, but I know my limits. I can work long hours and extra days. When I find myself not loving my job the first thing I will do, is take some time to get away from work for a period of time. This helps me refocus and get back to work. After I started to schedule time away from the office, I find myself more productive and happier. It generally is a practice for me to have a day off a week, but with my computer connected to my cell phone it can be challenging. For that reason, it is even more important to schedule time away from work.
    While I’m not a small business owner, I am a supervisor. I try hard to set expectations for my employees, I want them to be productive with appropriate accomplishments, challenged, motivated and to have an enjoyable personal life. I can see my employees more productive when they take time off. Thankfully, I would in an industry where we have time off. I will continue to enjoy my time off and hope others heed this advice.

  100. Taking the time off work to relax and replenish is vital for any employee or manager to continue working at their top performance. Work burnout is huge now-a-days especially now with everyone returning to the office, the drive to continuously work is hard to find again. However, like you mentioned in the article it can provide some kid of high for those who do enjoy continuously working. The American way is no longer working until you make it but make it so that you can work, due to this shift in work-life mentality it has become even more imperative for both employees and managers to figure out a proper work-life balance where those same employees and managers aren’t getting burned out at the same time. In my own working situation, during the football season I will spend upwards of 60 hours a week if not more in the office. Due to this schedule, I try to find time in th day to take a break by myself and just take a breather, like when I am setting up cameras for practice. During this time I can step away from everyone else in the department and go outside and be by myself which helps clear my head of any stress before practice.a=

  101. This is a great advice to everyone and not for small business owners only. I totally agree that it is important to have a day off from work, but it is not easy as it seems. As a small business owner, I have tried to have a day off for myself, but I always found myself opening emails and start replying to my clients. I also know some of my friends that work 7 days a week with no stop and if they do take a day off, they must do something because they are used to work every day. I know for sure that this is not health at all, and I am trying to change it. Taking a day off can help your brain to recharge and be more product when returning to work. I think now I will try to set up my email notifications off on my day off to avoid seeing emails pop ups on my phone screen. A day off is a day to relax with family and not a day to respond to emails. I love the idea of Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A, closing the restaurant on Sunday. Having a day off help employees to recover physically, emotionally, and spiritually and be more productive when returning to work. It is very important to have a day off!

  102. A day off from work is a much needed reprieve from a hectic work schedule. Although, it is easier said than done…taking a day off is not only good for one’s mental health but can bolster productivity and physical health. Years ago, I worked for a local chain grocery story that began as a mom-and-pop store. The owners strived to maintain a healthy work-life balance. They promoted healthy programs, such as marathon runs and healthy eating programs. Also, all of the stores were closed on Sundays and major holidays to allow employees the opportunity to rest and spend time with family and friends. When employees feel supported, the entire workplace will benefit from a healthy work environment…and this leads to a more successful business.

  103. likith sai srinivas yella

    I thought this article was a great read to talk about something that is not really talked about in the world of business – taking a day off! In today’s world, people love to idealize being busy. College students love to brag about their seven courses and internships, businesses love to show that they are constantly working hard to come up with new concepts and ideas for a business. I think it is great that as a society, we like to better ourselves, but it simply is not the way to achieve in the long run. Re-cooperating and resting are a key part to being successful in this world. Our society does strive to be “productive” all the time. We want to constantly see results in the things we do, however that is not a realistic approach to achieving any sort of long term goal. Being productive means allowing yourself to take a break. Being productive in your mind is a great alternative. Scheduling time to take time off is just as important is scheduling time to be on.

  104. I know as young analyst, I had trouble with the concept of turning it off on my time away from the office. I started at the bottom and all I wanted to do is impress my boss. I did that by essentially always being on call. Whether its responding to emails on the weekend or looking something up by request for the Monday morning meeting I did it because I wanted to impress my bosses but also get the jobs done. In this article the author understands that to be on all the time can de detrimental to your own success. It can almost feel like a “high” as the author points out. As you move on and move up in your career you learn a few things. One of those things is self-discipline. The author makes the case that everyone should leave themselves one day off to be “unproductive.” This day off gives you the ability to focus on yourself and the people closes to you. It can be hard to leave that message unanswered on the weekend but one must learn that your well-being and time off should be respected just as much as you respect and work hard for the company. This process of self-discipline and self-respect can be hard but over time it will help keep you a better employee and a better person to your family and society.

  105. No one actually wants to work seven days a week, but if the pay is good or if it’s a requirement of the job then you must do what you have to do- work. In this article, it discusses the major pain points when working in the US and the health effects that are becoming prominent in 2021. One point I agreed with was the amount of Starbucks being consumed in order to stay awake. As a college student, there are many deadlines that need to be met and I am a person who loves to have a Starbucks drink in the morning to ensure I am prepared to take on the day. For business owners, the same thing goes for them in order to get through the day or have that pick-me-up, they need some type of caffeine.

    Furthermore, living in a world where everything is instant and to stay relevant for business purposes, you must always be alert and know what is going on which means constantly checking for updates and other important information. On the other hand, I understand that people need rest and businesses should be conscious of the health of their employees. So I do agree with the viewpoint of having a day or two off to rest.

  106. Colleen McLaughlin

    This article could not be more true, taking time for yourself will make you more productive in the long run. Everyone needs a break, overworking yourself can ultimately lead to less motivation, long hours can sometimes be spent not being productive. I personally work better when I know I am working under a time crunch, if you have too many hours to work, you can become unproductive. Taking a break is something we all deserve and need to do in order to stay focused. Some workplaces are implementing a 4 day work week to allow their employees an extra day to rest during the weekend.

  107. Mark Stephen Sobczynski

    I firmly believe that we in the USA do work a lot of hours. I myself have two jobs equal about 60 – 70 hours in any given week. In the beginning I found it hard and very tiring, but later found it part of my normal routine. Getting 6 hour or less sleep a night has become the norm in my life. I even, at times, feel that I am not doing enough, so I begin to work harder with very few days off in a month. I genuinely feel that this is what I am supposed to be doing.
    While this is not ideal for everyone, I find that it works for me. I believe that I am setting an example that is not bad. We do need a day off in a week to recharge and relax and while I never have a complete day off, I do find a few hours in the week to just sit and read or take a walk to relax and recharge. Taking time away from work indeed does have its benefits even if it is just a couple of hours.

  108. This article is refreshing to hear and something that we need to remember. I consider myself a workaholic as I like to get things done so my checklist is clearly marked and feel a sense of accomplishment, but I have come to notice more that I don’t have those enjoyable moments are hobbies. I started to notice this even more, when my husband who is a small business owner started working around the clock, trying to finish project after project so he can take on more clients. With no downtime, I can see how he is slowly not enjoying his job. I think it is important that we give ourselves the time we need to recoup, how important it is to go off the grid, and the habit we have created of checking work emails during our time off and on vacation. This truly helps with preventing burnout. I think one thing that is helpful is when leadership leads by example in this area. Having this established helps with the overall office productivity and work culture. It creates an opportunity for employees to feel they can have a work-life balance.

  109. As someone who works constantly with no days off, I can relate to the main point of this article. I think it is important to give your brain a rest, and your body. Your brain is also a muscle, and muscles cannot function every single day without being tired. If you are at work exhausted, something is wrong. Organizations need to create a schedule that promotes productivity and effectiveness from their employees, such as Chick Fila. They have been one of the most prestigious and highly rated customer services due to how productive and effective they are. Others should take note. It is also important to make sure you are not being useless on your day off. Exercising is a great way of relieving any stress that may be produced from work. Sleeping for 12 hours and being super lazy may not be the best solution on your off day because on Monday you will need to be engaged once the day starts. Having a day off will help employees manage their actual life and their business life. Great quick Read!

  110. The article provided something very important – we need to take a break and I completely agree on the importance of taking a day off as everyone deserves rest. While working ourselves to the bone is common, and even expected by some employers, it is probably doing more harm than good. Without an occasional break, we will start to burn out and your productivity will dwindle. Stepping away from the physical and mental demands of everyday work life gives us a chance to come back refreshed and clear-headed.

  111. Sophie Maccarone

    To perform the best, people need to take some rest. This article strongly resonates with me in the working world and in my day to day life. When extremely tired and overworked, there is no way you are physically or mentally able to do your best work. This also connects with working out. Your body cannot physically perform high intensity workouts everyday without being burnt out. Everyone who works out religiously needs to take a day off here and there. I used to work out everyday and refused to miss a day. Then one day, my ankle and foot started to hurt so bad to the point where I could not walk. If I were to take at least one day off per week, this could have saved me from weeks off of my feet and not in the gym. The workout routine goes hand in hand with the work routine. Best performance is done when the body gets rest. Employees do not want to face burn out as they could risk being miserable in their jobs. Rest is more important than anyone could imagine for the best success.

  112. This is an excellent article! I think the saying “no days off” is so prevalent in the world now that a lot of people truly embrace that. I have found that when I am working non-stop, for an extended period of time. that it is then very difficult to “unplug” and enjoy my time away from work. Whether that is answering emails and calls on vacation or actually working during the early hours of the morning, that is not the best way to recharge and get the best out of yourself. I think that it is very important to be able to take a break from work, and enjoy the life that you are working to give yourself, otherwise, what is the point of working.

  113. This is something that I have struggled with. Am I working enough to outwork the competition and is the work I am doing translating into results? I think everyone that is working their way up in the professional world feels this way at one point or another. When we are young we have more energy and tend to get more work added to our schedules. This is where the pressure begins to rise and deadlines need to be met. When this happens the first things to go are sleep, food and personal life activities. This is when I think people feel the “burnout” of their jobs. With this in mind this is where I think the day off strategy can be implemented. A day off gives you a chance to address those three prior areas. There is time for sleep, time to eat and time to do something away from work. I think a day offs effects will allow people a day to prioritize themselves and that is essential for every leader. With so much time focusing on others every leader needs at least a day to focus on themselves away from work. This will make them a better boss because they will feel more fulfilled as a person.

  114. It was really refreshing to read this article. I have never considered myself a “work-a-holic” but I have certainly found myself in certain positions working on weekends or late into the night. While this is sometimes necessary during a busy season, it’s not sustainable and leads to stress, which leads to burnout. Yoest makes the excellent point that in order to maximize productivity, we need to be UNproductive at least one day a week. As a Catholic, this really resonates with me as well—I believe that God literally commands us to observe a “day of rest”! While I don’t do a good job at observing that particular faith guideline, I do know that it’s important. Our country, as Yoest points out, is absolutely obsessed with productivity and leads the world in number of hours worked. While it is important to work diligently and do your best, I believe that our society has lost sight of what is truly important. Yes, work is good. But it is not the ultimate good. Family, friends, faith, rest, etc… That’s what really matters. Thank you for the reminder to rest, Professor Yoest! And if looking at it from a purely profit-drive standpoint, a day of rest can actually improve productivity. There really is no excuse not to do it!

  115. It is crazy to think about the idea that working so much has the same effects of being drunk. I have never heard of this eye opening thought and it definitely is scary. I do think that I have noticed when I have worked more without a break that my quality of work begins to decay. It is important to take breaks- when working as well as from actual days of work to grow in different ways. After the weekend, I find that I can work better as my mind was thinking about other things, reading for fun, and getting some outdoor time that most american work weeks lack. I also have found that stepping outside during the work day helps relax my mind and feel a new wave of energy for the second half of the day. For business owners, especially smaller businesses it can be challenging to prioritize yourself but at the same time if your business fails you are going to feel like you have nothing as it was your entire life.

  116. Caroline Downing

    The article explores the culture of overworking, especially among small business owners, and its negative impact on health and productivity. It proposes working fewer hours to improve business productivity and employee well-being. By comparing excessive work hours to intoxication, the article advocates dedicating one day off each week to recharge and step away from constant productivity. Chick-fil-A’s practice of closing on Sundays sets a model of prioritizing employee health without compromising success.
    The concept of being unproductive for a day emphasizes self-care, relaxation, and leisure activities to rejuvenate energy and creativity. Recognizing the need for rest to achieve a healthier work-life balance is essential. Embracing this idea leads to improved physical and emotional well-being, creating a more successful work environment.
    Additionally, the article highlights the significance of having someone to hold individuals accountable for taking their designated day off and engaging in activities that promote well-being. This support system strengthens the commitment to self-care and work-life balance.
    Ultimately, the article encourages readers to pause, reconsider their work habits, and embrace the idea of taking a day off for joy and fulfillment. Incorporating this change leads to happier and more productive lives, enhancing both personal and professional spheres.

  117. As a small business owner myself I cannot agree with this more, and I applaud the author for being brave enough to offer such counter-culture advice. In a world where Elon Musk famously fired a majority of the Twitter staff for not complying with his own self described “grueling” work plan, it is a breath of fresh air to be reminded success need not come at the expense of our humanity.
    I manage a small nonprofit theatre, and was on the verge of succumbing to founder’s burnout when I took the sage advice of those around me and found a way to find time for me. With my board’s support I was able to retool our season, producing several plays in rep over the course of 3 to 4 months rather than a single play every 3 months per year. This means I have a busy period where the needs of the work are consuming and require extra time and attention, but that is followed by a guaranteed rest period of several weeks or months in which I can step back, take vacation, put an auto-responder on the inbox, and allow myself to recharge and return to the work revived and excited for what is yet to come.
    I implore any other small business owners to find their own balance. One day a week is an optimal outcome, and with enough planning I believe even in my busy times I could take time for myself with enough planning and internal support. Don’t be afraid to change the paradigm you work within to find the outcome that works best for you and your company. Be afraid to change nothing and lose both yourself and your company in the drive to succeed at any cost.

  118. Taking more days off has numerous benefits beyond those mentioned in the article. Rest enhances creativity and problem-solving skills while maintaining a healthier work-life balance. Regular breaks prevent burnout, increasing focus and productivity during workdays. Additionally, spending time with family and friends strengthens personal relationships and reduces feelings of isolation. Improved physical health, better decision-making, and a more engaged workforce are also outcomes of taking regular days off. Encouraging this practice can lead to a healthier work culture and happier, more productive employees.

  119. This was a very insightful article. I was surprised at the study that illustrated the risks of working 21 hours continuously equivalent to being drunk. This was eye-opening because I wouldn’t correlate or compare overworking with the effects of being intoxicated. It just goes to show the detrimental impact that overload may cause. I agree with the notion of taking at least one day off in the week but in certain occupations, the continuous workload, or short-handed staff doesn’t allow for even a day out of the week. For instance, in college athletics, the staff is working year-round. Since there are sports for every season, this makes it difficult to take a day off throughout the year. Regardless if it required at least one day off within the week, that one day can make a difference in the overall operations of the athletic department depending on which department you work for. Overall, great article.

  120. I loved reading this article as it’s something most of us are guilty of sometimes, overworking that ends up on having a burnout. Small business owners want to do the best that they can and provide the best product that they have however not taking a break can end up being bad for one’s health. Having that one day to unplug from work mode, such as the Chick-fil-A workers, it’s beneficial as they can be more productive and focused on work. It’s a win win for everyone. We live in a world where everything is on the go and fast paced but taking some time to go slow is needed or else what’s the point of working so hard if at the end of the day one’s too burnout to even be focused out of work.

  121. I am not a small business owner, but I have the same enthusiasm to accomplish my work goals. The business owner has pride and will put in the sweat equity to get their business up and running to a good start. I also have the pride and conviction to complete each project until it is finished. I had no idea you could get sick from non-stop working.
    I must agree with the idea of taking one day a week and not working. I consider myself a workaholic, and I have worked twelve days straight many times and saw few accomplishments. I watch my co-worker come to work and do her eight-hour shift; she is more productive than I am. I just believed I needed to work harder. However, I have learned to work smarter. After getting sick three times in two months, I knew my body was shutting down. I didn’t know nonstop working is bad for your health. Somehow my mind still believes I need to do more work to accomplish things. I can see a difference in my productivity when I force myself to take a day off. I started taking weekends off to enjoy life. When I return to work, I am refreshed and ready for any challenge.

  122. In your article, Rest to get the Best from Your Small Business, you make several key points on the work life balance culture of America and solutions to fix it. America has a problem, and it is that people work too hard. That could be due to rising costs, high motivation to succeed or any other personal reason. Americans tend to work too hard, but must find time to decompress. Working too hard can cause unproduction which is counterproductive. I agree with your solution on taking one day off not to just rest your body, but to also increase your relationship with your family. Chick Fil A is an excellent example of work life balance because they work 6 days out of the week. This allows for a full 24 hours of recovery so they can continue their productivity.

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