The Sweet Sound of Online Sales: Review of KaChing

Review of KaChingI’m a firm believer that everyone should have their own business or sideline business, as well as passive revenue.  Online businesses offer the opportunity for both.

That’s why I was excited to receive a review copy of, “KaChing:  How to Run an Online Business that Pays and Pays,” by well-known entrepreneur and author, Joel Comm (Wiley, 2010).

Since I already make a portion of my revenues from my online businesses, I consider myself at least intermediate in my knowledge of online marketing and how to create online revenue streams. I wasn’t sure if I’d really learn anything from this book, but I figured I’d at least enjoy it.

Online Business Tips

I like how Comm set up the structure of the book.  He starts by giving an overview, then explains the importance of niches (this concept can never be hammered home enough, in my un-humble opinion), before stating the primary ways to make money online.

He also shares his seven keys to online success, and gives examples:

  1. You Have to Dream
  2. You Have to Believe
  3. You Have to Prepare
  4. You Have to Act
  5. You Have to Relate
  6. You Have to Use Models
  7. You Have to Grow

Ways to Make Money Online

Comm shares with the reader the primary ways to make money online: blogging and other online content, information products, affiliate programs, membership sites and coaching programs.

Case studies and specific examples, as well as resources to make the process easier, help explain the sometimes tricky world of online business.

And if you’re someone who enjoys a book that contains how-to information, you won’t be disappointed.  Comm is not only a strategist, but he created a well-known iPhone app. In this book he explains  a concept such as using Google AdSense ads to make money online, as well as some of the coding techniques to make it more effective.

The verdict: If you are a beginner, you’ll definitely learn some great ways, as well as important models, to make money online.  If you are already making money online, you’ll probably gain a few useful nuggets to help you achieve even more success.


Margie Zable Fisher Margie Zable Fisher is the President of Zable Fisher Public Relations, helping small businesses connect with clients and potential clients online and offline through Public Relations, Social Media and Marketing. She offers free, award-winning tips at Zable Fisher Public Relations.

5 Reactions
  1. Hi Margie – this sounds like a terrific book. I’m always looking for better ways to make money online and I think this should do the trick.

  2. This book is definitely worth adding to your “must read” list if you are an online business newbie.

    I found that it gives a great overview of the various ways to make money online and leaves you positioned to explore other resources that drill down deeper into the area that appeals to you most.

  3. Martin Lindeskog

    Margie Zable Fisher: As I am in the process of starting up a new online venture, I am interested in learning more about this book… 🙂

  4. Margie,

    Nice review. I liked that he focuses on affiliate marketing but from a pragmatic viewpoint — choose merchants that match your market is a great commentary that sounds common sense but gets forgotten about with the affiliates.
