Millennials Still Using Facebook More Than Any Other Social Media Site

2020 Consumer Culture Report

Facebook remains the most used social media platform across the United States across all age groups. And none use it more than the millennial generation. The finding comes from the 2020 Consumer Culture Report. The report provides insight into the complexities of modern consumer’s motivations, influences and purchasing habits.

2020 Consumer Culture Report

The report examined which social platforms millennials check, post and comment on daily. It showed that 77% of 18 – 34-year-olds use Facebook on a daily basis, compared to 68% of 35 – 54-year-olds and 52% of the 55+ demographic.

The second most popular social media channel among millennials is Instagram, which, according to the 2020 Consumer Culture Report, 70% use daily. 39% of 35 – 54-yea-olds use Instagram daily and just 9% of 55+.

YouTube is the third most used social platform among millennials, which 66% of the 18-35-year-olds surveyed for the report said they use daily.

Twitter is in fourth place, with 54% of millennials using the platform daily, followed by Snapchat at 47%, Reddit and 41%, Pinterest at 38% and TikTok attracting 28% of millennials daily.

With such a large number of millennials still using Facebook daily to search, post, comment and more, shows just how important this leading social media site remains for small businesses.

Use Facebook to Raise Brand Presence

Don’t write off using Facebook to heighten brand presence and appeal and reach out to this consumer-savvy generation. This would mean your small businesses could miss out on attracting and retaining customers.

Furthermore, the Consumer Culture Report shows the importance of online ads such as Facebook ads in influencing purchase behavior. For example, 75% of millennials admit online ads influence their purchasing decisions.

And 67% of this young generation also admit their purchasing decisions are influenced by someone they follow on Facebook.

The research highlights the importance for small businesses to create an engaging, personal and interactive page on Facebook, which encourages younger users to interact though the latest trends.

As the report explains:

“But Millennials aren’t victims of social influence — they are active participants in it — driven by an interest in trends and a desire to be “in-the-know”. This generation of consumers actively seeks out information that is relevant to their lives from a variety of sources, especially social media, which trumps traditional mainstream media as their primary means of determining what’s new and trend.”

Use Social Media to Communicate Your Values

Consider another key takeaway from the 2020 Consumer Culture Report. Consumers believe it’s importance to buy from companies that align to their values. And this proves particularly true within the younger generation.

For example, 83% of millennials want to buy fro brands that share their values. And 76% of the same generation approve when CEOs speak out on issues they care about.

For small businesses of all industries, the report shows the continued importance of social media. It also demonstrates the importance of Facebook specifically. The platform remains not only a central platform for marketing. It has also become a place to share brand values. Brands can also use Facebook to reach out and engage with millennials. This proves important since this group feels so driven to make purchases from brands who share their values.


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Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead is a staff writer for Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 7 years. She is based in the United Kingdom and since 2006, Gabrielle has been writing articles, blogs and news pieces for a diverse range of publications and sites. You can read "Gabrielle’s blog here.".