Are You Ready to Make the Jump into Small Business Ownership?

Making the JumpThere are two types of entrepreneurs: those that jump into a new business headfirst, and those that dip their toes in the water. One’s not better than the other, though the second one is probably more prepared for what lies ahead. In Making the Jump into Small Business Ownership (@MakingtheJump), authors David Nilssen (@DavidNilssen) and Jeff Levy (@JeffLTheESource) guide readers into the water, so to speak. They dissect what it takes to become a business owner into easy-to-digest chapters peppered with real-world examples.

What You’ll Find

I received a review copy of this book from the authors. Although this book was written to be used in a more formal education setting, it doesn’t come off like the college textbooks I had. It’s a pretty small book, not even 200 pages, for the amount of information it offers.

The book is divided into several sections:

  • Find the Entrepreneur in You
  • Your Business
  • Getting Started
  • Parting Thoughts

The start of the book gets you thinking about whether you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur. It doesn’t sugarcoat small business ownership; in fact, it forces you to ask yourself hard questions, like whether you’d be willing (or able) to go without a paycheck for up to two years to get your business launched. If this section doesn’t scare you off, the rest of the book will help you determine what type of business you could launch, as well as details on how to get started.

The Authors Know Their Stuff

I don’t like small business books written by people who don’t actually have experience running a business. That’s why it’s nice to know that both Levy and Nilssen have launched multiple companies and helped others with their businesses. Neither has an advanced business degree, which just goes to show you don’t have to be a Harvard MBA to be successful as an entrepreneur.

Throughout the book, both authors offer their own stories and advice to highlight a point. You build trust in them as you read.

Be Honest With Yourself

The hardest thing to really know when considering business ownership is whether you’re cut out for it. Nilssen and Levy ask some thought-provoking questions that give you an idea of how difficult, emotionally and financially, entrepreneurship can be. Ask yourself these questions and you’ll have a sense of whether you could make it as an entrepreneur:

  • Are you capable of putting a vision ahead of your short-term needs?
  • Do you perform well under pressure?
  • Are you a decisive person?
  • Will your family be able to support this decision knowing you will likely have to work longer hours and face initial financial insecurity?

What I Liked Best About Making the Jump

Having already taken the path toward entrepreneurship, I can see that the material in this book blows off the fluff and focuses on what anyone needs to know to start a business. I’ve always said you don’t have to have a degree in business to be an entrepreneur, but having the right resources to understand what it takes is key.

This book is divided into bite-sized chapters that are easy to read. I always like to “sit” on a chapter a while and reflect on what I’ve learned. There’s plenty of food for thought in this book.

Who This Book is For

If you’ve been thinking about starting a business but are unsure of the level of commitment required, this book is for you. It leaves no stone unturned, and you’ll walk away with a better idea of whether you’re ready for entrepreneurship. From finding a mentor to determining your business structure, this book has answers to many of the questions newbie entrepreneurs have. While books about social media and technology are out of date practically by the time they’re printed, the lessons taught in Making the Jump will be true in 15 years as much as they are today.

Susan Payton Susan Payton is the Communications Manager for the Small Business Trends Awards programs. She is the President of Egg Marketing & Communications, an Internet marketing firm specializing in content marketing, social media management and press releases. She is also the Founder of How to Create a Press Release, a free resource for business owners who want to generate their own PR.