Barbara Weltman

Barbara Weltman
Barbara Weltman is the Tax Columnist for Small Business Trends. Barbara is an author, attorney and a leading authority on tax, law, and finance for small business. She publishes an "Idea of the Day®" and monthly e-newsletter at "Big Ideas for Small Business®" and is a trusted professional advocate for small businesses and entrepreneurs. She has written over 25 books, including perennial top sellers, "J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes" and "J.K. Lasser’s 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks," along with her latest books, “Guide to Self-Employment” and “Smooth Failing,” and is a blogger for, Entrepreneur, and AmEx OPEN.

substantiating business driving

Substantiating Business Driving the Right Way

Small business owners may use their personal vehicles for business driving. In order to deduct the cost of business driving, you need to substantiate business use of the vehicle.

preparing for payroll costs

Preparing for Payroll Costs in 2024

Inflation continues to dominate the headlines, and it?s having an impact on your payroll costs. Here are some things to think about now.

contests and grants

Prizes, Awards, and Grants and Your Taxes

At just about any time of the year you can find contests targeting small businesses. Understand the implications so you factor them into your tax payments.