David William

David William
David is a Staff Writer for Small Business Trends. He covers franchises, brick and mortar businesses, public policy and other small business issues. He is a studious, fun-loving introvert who prefers to keep a low profile, David is a web writer, publisher and entrepreneur with almost a decade of experience in the digital world. He is also a creative at heart and founding editor of the WebWriterSpotlight, a growing hub for passionate digital writers, entrepreneurs and other creatives. Over the years he has written for numerous high-profile online publications, including Lifehacker.com, HuffingtonPost.com, and Lifehack.org. Everything he writes is inspired by life experiences and study. Check out WebWriterSpotlight for more great stories.

super soaker

Super Soaker Entrepreneur Fought for $72.9 Million in Hasbro Royalties

The man who invented what many consider to be the toy of the 1990s, the Super Soaker water gun, has been awarded almost $73 million in back royalties from Hasbro. A deal struck when the toys were first introduced was to pay the inventor a percentage of sales of all products that spun off of the original Super Soaker.