Samson Haileyesus

Samson Haileyesus
Samson Haileyesus is a staff writer for Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 5 years. He has several years of progressive experience in media, communication and PR working with government, NGOs and private sector.

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What is NFT Music?

What is NFT music? Find out how you can use non-fungible tokens to digitize your music and art so you can fully control the money you make.

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How to Buy Cryptocurrency

You have many cryptocurrency options, this is how to buy cryptocurrency the right way so you can protect your investment from any mistakes.

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How do You Make Money on TikTok?

Social media channels offer great monetization opportunities, if you are asking how do you make money on TikTok, here is how you can do it.

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Common Mistakes Cashiers Make

If you avoid these common mistakes cashiers make, you can better serve your customers while avoiding any discrepancy when it comes to cashing out.

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Interview Rejection Letter Templates

Even if the applicant is not the right fit now they might be later, here are some interview rejection letter examples that are considerate.

Small Business Saturday

What is Small Business Saturday?

What is Small Business Saturday? Find out about the marketing campaign designed to help small businesses during the holiday shopping season.