Free E-Book Templates

Creating an ebook (a PDF) is a project you are likely to do for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you want to create a downloadable “tips” document to give to clients or prospects. Or perhaps you want to create a shorter-than-print book as a free gift for signing up to your newsletter. You may even wish to create an ebook to sell online — ebook sales are growing fast right now. Whatever your motivation, it’s going to be easier if you start with a template.

Small Business Trends created two free, downloadable ebook templates for our readers. They are clean, simple and professional – perfect for your new ebook!

This ebook template is a bit more corporate looking. Use it for ebooks and reports geared towards the corporate b2b market. Feel free to download the template:

This ebook template has a contemporary feel. You can use it for short ebooks, b2c ebooks etc. Feel free to download the template:

Use them to repurpose some of your blog content or an article you’re particularly proud of.  You can create a stand-alone document to include in your marketing kit or as a download on your website.

Don’t let that good content go stagnant in your archives — re-use it!

They are open access and you can use them as you see fit.

Anita Campbell Anita Campbell is the Founder, CEO and Publisher of Small Business Trends and has been following trends in small businesses since 2003. She is the owner of BizSugar, a social media site for small businesses.