There are many competitive grant programs available to small businesses in 2022. Some are so popular that organizers must offer multiple funding rounds to support as many businesses as possible. The Coalition to Back Black Business is one popular program from American Express and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation that has already offered multiple funding rounds. And they’re back for another contest now. Read about this opportunity and more in this week’s small business grants roundup.
Coalition to Back Black Business
The Coalition to Back Black Business grant program is back for another round. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and American Express run the program, which is now accepting applications for its 2022-23 cycle. This round will award $5,000 grants to 272 Black-owned small businesses. The goal is to help underserved businesses recover from challenges and access critical growth opportunities. The application is available online now through September 6.
Glasgow Small Business Relief Grants
Glasgow, Kentucky is offering support to local businesses that were forced to close during the COVID-19 pandemic. One-time relief grants of up to $10,000 are available from the city’s allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funds. Grant funds can be used to cover rent, mortgage, payroll, personal protective equipment supplies, and utilities. To qualify, businesses must have been classified as non-essential during the height of the pandemic and required to cease or reduce operations due to the Governor’s executive order. Other eligibility criteria applies as well. The deadline to apply is September 16.
UpStart Thrift Startup Grants
UpStart Thrift Store and StartUp Junkie Foundation in Washington County, Arkansas are launching a new grant contest for small businesses. Winners will receive a $5,000 grant. The program is ongoing and available to small business owners in Washington County. UpStart Thrift and the Startup Junkie Foundation leadership teams will select recipients based on merits outlined in each application and award grants as funding becomes available.
Fort Collins Small Business Recovery Grants
Fort Collins, Colorado is offering a grant program to support small businesses recovering from the pandemic. To qualify for grants of up to $10,000, businesses must have fewer than 50 employees and generate less than $500,000 in annual revenue. Businesses must also be able to prove reduced revenue, increased costs, or other challenges related to the pandemic and subsequent supply chain issues and worker shortages. The first funding round runs now through August 30. And a second round is scheduled for October 3 through 31.
Boston Legacy
The Boston Legacy Business Program is a new initiative that aims to support longstanding businesses in the city. The program will identify 25 iconic businesses and provide extra visibility and resources to them. Though not a grant per se, the program will provide additional access and help identifying grants and other funding programs. To qualify, businesses must have at least ten years in operation and meet other eligibility criteria. Recipients will get a plaque and other recognition to designate their location as important to the city. The program is scheduled to launch September 6, at which point residents can nominate their favorite eligible business in the city.
Warren County Economic Grant Contest
The Warren County Economic Development 2022 Small Business Grant Contest is currently accepting applications. The program is open both to existing small businesses and startups. The goal is to identify and support companies that can make a substantial improvement in their operations and the community at large with extra funding. The deadline to apply is August 31.
Image: Depositphotos