HP 8500 Officejet Pro Giveaway Winner Announced

HP 8500 Officejet winner announcedBack in late August we asked you to participate in or comment about our Twitter chat, Copyrights and Trademarks: What You Need To Know For Your Website.  In return, we would enter you in a random drawing to win an HP 8500 Officejet Pro Wireless Multifunction Printer/ Copier/ Scanner/ Fax.

We are pleased to announce the lucky winner.  Drumroll please…

Congratulations to Stacey Mayo!

Stacey is the Director of the Center for Balanced Living and the creator of The Peaceful Entrepreneur Program and The One Minute Meditation.  You can learn more about Stacey by following her on Twitter and Facebook.

Stacey Mayo, Center for Balanced Living

Upon learning she won our grand prize, Stacey commented “It is nice to win a prize just for doing something I was naturally drawn to do, i.e., post a comment. I love when things flow naturally. I didn’t even realize I was entering a contest but it happens that my husband needs a new printer so that’s pretty great. Thanks very much.”

Thank you to everyone who participated and our congratulations to Stacey!

And thank you to our sponsor, HP, for making it possible to give this HP 8500 Officejet Pro away as a big ‘thank you” to one of our readers.

Anita Campbell Anita Campbell is the Founder, CEO and Publisher of Small Business Trends and has been following trends in small businesses since 2003. She is the owner of BizSugar, a social media site for small businesses.