A Different Kind of Lender Can Get You the Loan You Need

One of the toughest things for small business to find especially in a recession is capital. A lot of fintech organizations will lend money at a very high rate, but then you spend your profits paying the interest off and never get ahead.

On The Small Business Radio Show this week, Eleni Delimpaltadaki Janis founded Equivico at the nexus of smart investments and social justice. Her organization provides loans for small businesses starting at 2.5%. She believes that social equity and economic inclusion is a lens for uncovering profits for investors and growth for the economy.

impact investment management

Eleni is an entrepreneur and investment manager who has dedicated her career to building businesses and developing people that deliver a meaningful social impact while also generating attractive commercial returns. She brings to any situation resilience and persistence, which has defined her own life as an immigrant to the U.S. and innovator in business.

When Eleni co-founded Equivico at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, she sought to build a company that is situated at the intersection of smart, scalable investments and social justice. As an investment professional, she draws on her experience in government, economic development and market research, to invest profitably in businesses, assets and projects that benefit households, societies and investors alike. Eleni believes that the only way forward is through community and diversity: bringing together diversity of people, thought, disciplines and truly mixing together different parts to create new outcomes.

Eleni created a social justice finance firm whose mission is to provide smart capital and tools in support of underserved businesses and change the rules hindering entrepreneurial outcomes.

To tap the $87 billion gap in this space, Equivico has established a credit fund that finances fairly-priced commercial loans between $50K – $500k and brings capital to underserved communities for whom entrepreneurship is a leading determinant of economic mobility.

Listen to my entire interview with Eleni and how you can apply for a low interest loan.

Image: equivico

Small Business Radio Show As a small business expert, Barry Moltz gets owners growing again by unlocking their long forgotten potential. With decades of entrepreneurial experience in his own business ventures as well as consulting countless other entrepreneurs, Barry has discovered the formula to get stuck business owners unstuck and marching forward. As a small business expert, Barry applies simple, strategic steps to facilitate change.