Incorporate A Business

You decide. Will it be a corporation, LLC or sole proprietor?

How To Structure Your Business
Discover which structure is right for your new business.

Choosing A Legal Entity
Learn about the differences between an LLC, and S Corp and a C Corp.

doing business as Doing Business As (DBA): Sole Proprietorship
If you don’t incorporate, chose an official name by filing a DBA.

Decisions And Checklists

Chose the state to incorporate a business and use the checklists.

Which State To Incorporate?
Explore your options. Nevada, Delaware or your home state?

Get Ready To Launch Your Business
Cross off the items on this checklist before taking flight.

Get Ready To Operate Your Business
Use this list to think through the basics of your small business operations.

Final Steps

A few final things to consider and you'll be on your way in no time!

Financial And Legal Nuances
Now you’re ready to complete a few final housekeeping items to keep your business “legal” and in compliance, while also helping you manage your money and pay your taxes.

Launch Your Business
Just a few more steps you need to take before you skyrocket to success. When you get ready to launch a business, keep in mind your “big picture” goals for why you wanted to be an entrepreneur in the first place.

Additional Resources

Frequently Asked Trademark Questions
Answers to frequently asked questions when it comes to trademarking.

Don't Sabotage Your Liability Protection
Liability protection is not absolute and you can be personally liable.

You Shouldn’t Be Your Own Registered Agent You Shouldn’t Be Your Own Registered Agent
Don't take on this role for yourself. Here are five reasons why.

Questions To Ask Before You Go Solo
Considering starting your own business? Ask yourself these seven questions.

Small Business 101: How To Properly Operate Out Of State Properly Operate Out Of State
If you operate across state lines, learn if a foreign qualification is necessary

Business Structure Impacts Deductions
Learn how deductions and employee benefits are affected by legal structure.