Spotlight: Introbrand Automates Animation for Unique Logo Designs

Spotlight: Introbrand Online Logo Animation Maker Creates Unique Logo Designs

With the increasing prevalence of video marketing, your business logo might be due for an upgrade. Introbrand is a small business that has found a way to easily and quickly create animated logos and other short animations for other companies, perfect for those intros on YouTube videos or Instagram posts. You can read more about the company and where the idea for this business comes from in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Offers an online logo animation platform.

Founder Florian Heger told Small Business Trends, “Introbrand is an online video and logo animation maker tool for businesses and individuals. Users can easily create a YouTube intro, logo animation, video intro or outro and animated video elements based on their own logo in a few minutes. The final product is basically a downloadable video featuring their own animated logo or name in just a few seconds. These short video snippets can be used like a virtual business card for video media and should be added to any kind of video production that is publicly visible.”

Business Niche

Creating professional animations quickly and easily.

Heger says, “At Introbrand, we offer online templates that can be customized and processed in a few clicks via our own simple browser interface. There’s no software needed, and it works fully online. All our unique logo animations, video intros and animation designs are prepared in multiple frame rates and video sizes, crafted exclusively by branding experts and professional motion graphic designers.”

How the Business Got Started

To automate the design process.

Heger says, “Usually to create just a simple logo animation or motion graphics package there needs to be a motion design freelancer or animation studio hired, which is a tedious and expensive process for everybody. While I was working as a freelancer myself I spend most of the time communicating and selling my ideas in lengthy presentations. Introbrand came to fruition while trying to automate this complicated process of animation design production and the idea to make this usually costly and tedious production simple, affordable and accessible to everybody.”

Biggest Win

Automating tedious processes.

Heger explains, “Introbrand is still new, but the biggest win for us as creative minds is that we’ve managed to automate the entire administrative part of our business, so we can focus on creating amazing logo animation.”

Biggest Risk

Hiring unknown developers.

Heger says, “The biggest risk for us was to hire a team of developers we didn’t know before and we only had one shot due to limited funds. We had to fully trust them the development and didn’t even know if they’ll be able to handle it. If they wouldn’t have managed to deliver the solution as expected, we would have had to shut down everything even before going live. Luckily it all turned out to be great after a few initial hurdles.”

Spotlight: Introbrand Online Logo Animation Maker Creates Unique Logo Designs

Lesson Learned

Always keep customers in mind.

Heger says, “[If I could do it over again I would] develop the product closer to the target audience right from the beginning, it helps to stay better in sync with the customers desires which ultimately leads to a better product much faster.”

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Shoring up three key aspects of the business.

Heger says, “[I would] invest one third each in video template production, web development and marketing.”

Fun Fact

Forgetting an important milestone.

Heger explains, “We accidentally missed our own going live date last October because we were busy with preparations.”

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Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program

Images: Introbrand, Florian Heger

Annie Pilon Annie Pilon is a Senior Staff Writer for Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 12 years. Annie covers feature stories, community news and in-depth, expert-based guides. She has a bachelor’s degree from Columbia College Chicago in Journalism and Marketing Communications.