Now You Can Sign Docs in Real Time on Microsoft Teams Meetings

now you can sign docs in real time on microsoft teams

A proof of concept that will allow any independent software vendor (ISV) or customer to officially sign documents during virtual meetings has been developed for Microsoft Teams.

Now You Can Sign Docs in Real Time on Microsoft Teams Meetings

The developers are Teams Ecosystem Engineering and they say the application will let the document owner select the document to sign and add it to a meeting. Then, depending on the role of the attendees as either signers or viewers, the users will be able to sign or see the document during the meeting.

Seamless Authentication

Teams Ecosystem Engineering is confident that the authentication will be seamless thanks to the Teams SSO that it uses, with Microsoft Teams being the most popular platform for real-time collaboration and document signing.

The Teams Store has previously offered a variety of integrations with e-signature providers, and now Microsoft is ready to implement this new solution following requests from their customers.

Customizable Code for ISVs

Product manager at Microsoft, Maritza Cartaya Escalona, explained how the new document signing application works on the Microsoft blog, saying: “The code is customizable so ISVs can select the type of signature the customer needs to use (manual signature, electronic signature or certificate-based signatures). Moreover, the POC can be customized for other scenarios like accepting changes in documents or in code reviews.

“This is currently available in desktop client. Mobile and web clients are coming soon. In addition, this only works for users from the same organization or tenant with availability for guest and anonymous users coming soon.”

What is an E-Signature?

Electronic signatures have become a necessary part of business interactions as more companies conduct some or all of their B2B interactions digitally via video conferences and virtual meetings. The likes of contracts, purchase agreements and incoming invoices can be signed with e-signatures, as well as legal documents such as NDAs.

E-signatures appear as a symbol or other data in digital format, which is then attached to an electronic document. Many e-signatures will consist of an image of a handwritten signature, though not in all cases.

Image: Depositphotos

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Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead is a staff writer for Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 7 years. She is based in the United Kingdom and since 2006, Gabrielle has been writing articles, blogs and news pieces for a diverse range of publications and sites. You can read "Gabrielle’s blog here.".