Many of us find ourselves with a bit of a problem. We have plenty of followers on our Twitter accounts, and yet we are getting next to no retweets, mentions or overall benefits from those followers.
Because of that, many people think that the whole Twitter marketing thing is all hype. After all, they seem to be doing everything right but they have nothing to show for it except for a lot of wasted time, and more aggravation than it was worth.
Of course, interaction is not easy to build. Many people give up earlier than achieving it. One of the first steps to take: Learn more about your followers.
For those who are experiencing the same problem as I described above, below are some great apps that will let you get the proper stats to start engaging your followers in a real and dynamic way.
Research Your Twitter Followers’ Demographics
1. SalesForce Marketing Cloud
This is a full marketing service aimed at professionals who need something a little more extensive than the average analytics app. It has a full social listening feature that will help to break down your overall Twitter follower use, as well as all data coming from your profiles.
Find out the conversation going on surrounding your brand, then find context within those conversations for better targeting of your marketing campaign. Additionally, SalesForce Marketing Cloud also has social content, engagement, social ads, workflow and automation, measurement, and packages for basic, professional, corporate and enterprise use.
2. SoDash
Another large social monitoring app, you can find out who is following you and how to engage them, all while looking after the competition and generating leads. Their brand management tool is incredibly easy to use, and everything is put within a single dashboard for you to view at any time.
It is all based on machine learning and smart tagging, which gives it a unique format that has been boosting its popularity over the last couple of months.
3. Birdsong
Do a quick analytics search of any social media profile and find out exactly what conversations your brand is generating. That includes through followers, who you can target more efficiently while still improving your visibility for reaching out to new demographics.
This tool will connect with third parties to get a more complete picture of your social media use and reach. Then, it will tell you what you need to do to be more effective and efficient, all through an easy to read pie chart. There are four different tool options: agencies, brands, journalists and small businesses.
4. KnowYourFollowers
Break down your followers into just the information you need to know. Get stats on country, U.S. state, gender, interests, who else they follow, their jobs and more. All of these demographics are broken down by both numbers and percentages, so you can see how to better customize your content to appeal to those segments.
You can even find out their marital status, number of children, income levels, education…everything you could possibly need. There is a small map showing the city locations of followers, though it isn’t that extensive in that regard.
Target your ads by follower using celebrity endorsement as the driving force. This advertising service works by leveraging the content that your followers share or read in order to optimize results. It will use ads designed specifically around their chosen celebrities to create a conversation between the celeb and the user.
Your brand’s visibility will be the end result. Very cool idea, and very effective. They have the largest digital celebrity network, as well.
Do you have a tool that should be on this list?