Being in small business today necessitates a certain degree of familiarity with the language of the Internet. After all, marketing online has become one of the cheapest, easiest options available for small business with little or no barriers to entry. But entering into the online world has also meant adoption of a whole new vocabulary and way of thinking. Here is a brief look at Search Engine Optimization, metrics and the new tools of small business success.
Social Media
What brand exposure does Facebook give you? Measuring impact on the Internet has long been a matter of metrics, but recently, ComScore Inc., specializing in the measurement of all things online, has announced a tool to measure brand exposure on the world’s largest social network. What can you learn about how Facebook impacts your brand WSJ
There’s a new sheriff in town. Whatever the impact of Facebook and other other social networks, one newcomer seems destined to gobble up at least a portion of the market, enough that it may make you think twice about ignoring exposure here. It’s time to get real about Google+. Bloomberg BusinessWeek
Finding Success
Spying on your competitor’s SEO. Search Engine Optimization is not done in a vacuum. Equally important to your efforts are the efforts of your competitors, fighting you for, perhaps, the same customers, the same traffic and the same advertisers. This tool, free for now during the beta, will be an eyeopener. SEO Book
Small business SEO: a success story. While trying to become a motivational speaker, David Leonhardt discovered he had a gift for search engine optimization, promoting his own site easily to a number 1 Google position. Combining these skills with a passion for writing, Leonhardt was able to launch a business based on the new business marketing of the Internet. BizSugar Blog
Tools of the Trade
Why Google’s not the only game in town. However powerful the number one search engine may be, it’s best for small business owners seeking to market their products, services or Websites via SEO to remember the competition. Here’s a peek inside the Bing Webmasters Tools, an alternative to Google that is best to keep in mind while marketing your site. SEO Book
Social media channels and the metrics of success. If presence on the social media–Facebook, Twitter, Google+–is being counted as authority by the Google algorithm, than involvement on these platforms is critical for your business as is making sure your content gets shared. Want to learn more about how it’s done? Follow the link. startupsmart
Tips & Techniques
Why you SHOULD be using Google+. Blogging consultant Michael Martine is as conscious as the next person about joining another time sucking social network, but this, he insists, is not one of those. If you want to understand, from a blogger’s perspective, the value of being involved with the new Google social group, read more at the link. Remarkablogger
Targeting the longtail. There are many ways to market your content online. Choosing the most obvious keywords given your target audience may be the simplest approach. But are there better options out there? Believe it! Introducing longtail marketing. Nick Stamoulis
Sometimes video is all the SEO you need. Don’t struggle with keywords in blog posts and Websites if you don’t have to. Online video is easy to shoot and edit and will give you great Search Engine Optimization too. Are you ready to create a video for your business? copywritematters
Final Thoughts
The SEO of stolen content. SEO content writer David Leonhardt features a guest post on his blog about the dangers of theft of content still present on the Internet. What, if anything, is the impact of your content on the SEO of your site when it is republished elsewhere…perhaps on a larger, more popular site? A Ghost Writers Blog