What Business Expenses Are Worthwhile? Entrepreneurial Experts Share Tips

Running a small business can be expensive. But if you dedicate your resources to the right expenses, those investments can pay off and ultimately help you earn more revenue. So, how can you tell what costs are worthwhile? Check out some recent insights from members of the online small business community below.

Learn All About Franchise Royalties

When buying into a franchise model, royalties are usually part of the deal. While franchisees generally don’t like paying these fees, they do serve an important purpose in many systems. Joel Libava dives into the concept in this post on The Franchise King blog.

Get a Startup Business Loan

A business loan can help a new business make valuable investments to get their idea off the ground. But it’s not always easy to get an influx of cash with no credit history. Learn more in this Ideamotive post by Kamil Osiecki.

Choose the Right Paid Media Agency for Your Business

If you’re investing your business’s hard-earned money into paid media, you want to be sure you’re trusting the right people. Agencies can be incredibly helpful in navigating the paid media options and building campaigns. But how do you know you’re choosing the right one? Check out this Noobpreneur post by Ivan Widjaya for tips.

Check Out These Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals for Entrepreneurs

Black Friday and Cyber Monday aren’t just for buying gifts. For entrepreneurs, these holidays can provide an ideal opportunity to save money on large purchases. Read about some upcoming deals in this 99signals post by Sandeep Mallya. Then head over to BizSugar to see what members are saying.

Consider Starting a Freelance Business

Freelancing can be an ideal business opportunity or an extra source of income for existing entrepreneurs. But there are many factors that go into starting this type of venture. Nellie Akalp of CorpNet details several important steps here.

Find the Best Ecommerce Platforms for Beginners

Starting an ecommerce shop can open tons of new revenue opportunities for businesses. But choosing the right platform is paramount. If you’re just getting started, read this Blogging Wizard post by Adam Connell for a full list of options for beginners.

Consider the Cost of Mobile App Development

There’s no doubt that mobile app development can transform a business. But there are costs involved. Before making the investment, it helps to understand the types of expenses and what they cover. In this Decipher Zone post, Mahipal Nehra shares a guide for businesses.

Learn How to Form an LLC

Selecting a business structure is one of the most important early decisions for any entrepreneur. LLCs offer plenty of protections and financial benefits, but there may also be expenses involved. To understand the details, read this Crowdspring guide by Ross Kimbarovsky.

Use These Tips to Optimize Amazon Campaigns

Paid campaigns on Amazon can provide a great way to boost sales. To truly optimize your investment, it’s important to understand metrics like average cost of sales. In this Noogata post, Jaron Seijffers dives into the concept and provides helpful insights.

Patent Your Mobile App Idea

If you have an idea for a new mobile app, you may need to patent it to protect yourself. So how can you take the steps needed to claim this idea? See the guide in this MindInventory post by Vivek Zala.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: sbtips@gmail.com.

Image: Envato Elements

Annie Pilon Annie Pilon is a Senior Staff Writer for Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 12 years. Annie covers feature stories, community news and in-depth, expert-based guides. She has a bachelor’s degree from Columbia College Chicago in Journalism and Marketing Communications.