The Latest Small Business Grants for Daycare Providers

Child care is a major hurdle for many in today’s workforce. So daycare grants can have a huge economic impact in many communities. Luckily, there are several nationwide, state and local grants for daycare that could help these businesses get started or stay open. Whether you’re looking for a financial boost for an existing business or looking into how to start a daycare center with government grants, here are several programs to know.

Business Grants for Daycares

Child and Adult Care Food Program

The USDA runs the Child and Adult Care Food Program to supplement food costs for daycare, shelters, and adult care centers. Only eligible food costs can be paid for with these funds. And the objective is to make sure that children and adults in these programs have access to nutritious meals.

Women Owned Education and Child Care Grant

WomensNet offers the Women Owned Education and Child Care Grant specifically to support child care businesses owned by women. This grant is part of the organization’s monthly “industry specific” grants. It is given out every September.

small business grants for daycare providers

State and Local Child Care Grants

First Children’s Finance Child Care Facility Revitalization Grants

First Children’s Finance runs the Child Care Facility Revitalization Grants program using funds from the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Minnesota child care centers and family care providers can use funds for eligible facility improvements and equipment purchases. The program is running now through Spring 2024, with application deadlines every three months. The next deadline to apply is January 30, 2023.

Michigan Child Care Stabilization Grants

Michigan’s Child Care Stabilization Grant includes $700 million in funding to support child care providers across the state. It’s a non-competitive grant, so all eligible care facilities that applied should receive funding. Amounts are determined based on need and other factors.

Tennessee ARPA Stabilization Grants

Tennessee’s Child Care Stabilization Grants use American Rescue Plan Act funds to support child care agencies across the state. These go to related organizations, not individual businesses. But the idea is to support child care providers and families in need of care with related costs.

North Dakota COVID-19 Child Care Stabilization and Recovery Grants

North Dakota’s Department of Human Services, Early Childhood Division is offering grants to support the state’s child care sector. Grant funds may go toward operating and facility costs, supporting both quality and access to child care across the state. All DHS-licensed programs and self declared child care centers are welcome to apply.

Think Small Regional Grant

Think Small’s 2022-2023 Regional Grant provides funding for supplies, technology, and training. Child care centers throughout the seven county metro area surrounding the Twin Cities are eligible to apply. The competitive program is run annually.

Indiana CCDF Agreement Centers

Indiana’s Child Care and Development Fund provides additional funding to child care centers willing to work with kids enrolled in the program. The state is currently looking for additional facilities interested in participating that fit the eligibility criteria.

Colorado Child Care Relief Grants

Colorado’s Child Care Relief Grant Program supports the state’s childcare centers that were harmed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Child care centers that were in operation prior to February 28, 2021 are eligible to apply.

Boston Childcare Entrepreneur Fund

Boston’s Childcare Entrepreneur Fund is open both to existing childcare facilities and those interested in opening new businesses. Recipients not only get grant funding, but also access to training and education to further their business endeavors.

Image: Envato Elements

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Annie Pilon Annie Pilon is a Senior Staff Writer for Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 12 years. Annie covers feature stories, community news and in-depth, expert-based guides. She has a bachelor’s degree from Columbia College Chicago in Journalism and Marketing Communications.