Should you be? Of course, plenty of data exists out there on the Web and in books and from other sources about the marketing, PR and branding quality of brands. But are they right for your business and what is their future as a tool for small businesses and entrepreneurs? We’ve rounded up a couple of links to bring you up to speed. Your thoughts?
Are Facebook and Twitter killing blogs? The new platforms, sometimes collectively referred to as microblogging, offer a new opportunity that is arguably more social then blogs ever were? Of course, there is now a distinct generational difference between users of blogs and users of other social media and presumably between readers of both formats. PC World
Blogging Benefits
Why blogging is still on top. But while some may argue business marketing is invariably drifting toward the shorter forms of social media like Facebook or other “microblogging” platforms, some entrepreneurs and small business people insist that in the hierarchy of social media, blogging remains the most important format for sharing your idea. BlogHer
The rise of the collective niche blog. Want to make a bigger impact in a day and age of mediocre personal journaling and noisy social media sites. Find other bloggers who share your passion. Why a collective niche blog can be the perfect vehicle for your marketing message. ZDNet
Why blogs are still in business. Recently, numerous posts all based around research by the Pew Internet and American Life Project seem to cast doubt on the future of blogging in the shadow of increased use of other social media like Facebook and Twitter. The reality may be a bit more complex. Here are some things to consider before abandoning your small business blog. Social Media Insider
How to turn your blog into a business. Blogs can also be a starting point for some small business owners or entrepreneurs as a way to explore a niche and eventually create a business model around it. Take the example of Shealynn Benner who turned her passion of photography into a line of products that filled a need by other who shared her passion.
Local chambers turn to business blogging. In an effort to help their members compete and perhaps even find unparalleled success in the era of the Internet, local chambers of commerce like this one are offering members help developing blogging, social media marketing and other online techniques to stand up. Has your chamber gotten into the act?
Success Stories
How are local businesses using blogs for marketing? We go to Columbus, OH, for this interview that looks at how one businesses of all sizes are using blogging as a marketing tool. No matter what kind of business you operate, blogs can be a highly effective means of getting the information out about who you are and what you do. Here’s more!
Turning blogging into business. Beyond simply using blogs to market your business or to find your market, research it and produce and market a product or service as a result, there are those who have turned blogs themselves into a lucrative business. These pioneering entrepreneurs have taken a variety of routes to success, but the key to that success might surprise you. Business News Daily
Business journalists also flock to blogging. Not only are blogs being used by business owners and entrepreneurs to market and network, they are increasingly being used by the journalists who cover business, as this post promoting the growth in blogging at one regional business Website. This is yet another reason for entrepreneurs who haven’t yet done so to begin a blog today making it easier to connect with key writers in the field. Buffalo Business First
Possibly the best post on blogging and marketing ever written. So contrary are the conventions of modern advertising to the standard approach of blogging that it hardly seems the two subjects should ever belong in the same post. And yet, Darren Rowse has invoked the words of one of the most innovative ad men in recent memory to tell us all that blogging should be…and without cynicism or pandering. ProBlogger