Small Business News: Small Biz Startup Tips

Everyday the business environment changes. With more information and tools available to start your business, there are also a growing number of challenges and things to learn. Starting a new venture or retooling an existing business for changing times becomes a matter of navigating those changes successfully and making the best decisions now to help you succeed in the future. Here are some tips to get you started.


Tips for incorporating or creating an LLC. Every business is different. The formation of your business may depend on many factors including the size, shape, business model, number of employees etc. Figuring out what form your small business should take may be more important than you think for long-term success. Here’s a post that explains the differences and the process to develop each. Small Business Trends


How to track your tasks in small business. Being a small business owner is about being a self-starter and manging your own work schedule. The sooner you can become skilled at managing your own activities without having someone else to report to the better. Tracking work and projects is another important part of the equation. Here are some tips to get you started.  Montreal Financial

Customer Service

Tips for knowing your customer. If you’re sensitive to strong language, please be aware before either reading this post or watching the attendant video. Julien Smith, co-author of the New York Times bestseller Trust Agents, talks about knowing your audience…or your customers? Do you know yours? Are your assumptions right about the people your business serves?


Who will represent your brand? From the beginning, the people who represent your brand will be critically important to your business. Who are they and are you comfortable with others judging your brand based on the impression they create? If not, it’s better to know now. When you start a business, you’ll need all the help you can get. But be sure those you recruit are right for your business. Seth Godin’s Blog

Success Stories

Tips for following your passion. Knowing what you want to do (not what you think you should do or what others expect) is a hugely important part of creating the small business startup that is right for you. Here is a story about how one entrepreneur took a passion even she was unaware of and turned it into two businesses. Can you do the same with your startup dreams?

How To

How to work on your business not in it. One of the greatest challenges during a new startup is to avoid becoming just another employee in your business instead of its driving force. The danger is that to keep your costs down you may choose to do much of the work yourself in the beginning. But the future and survival of your business depends upon you working on your business, not in it. Here are some ideas on how to do it right! Small Business CEO


Tips on how to improve your marketing copy. Whether you’ll be creating the marketing copy for your small biz startup yourself or getting someone else to do it, the effectiveness of your communications will make a huge difference, especially in the early days. If you need to figure out how to master the basic principals of excellent copywriting once and for all, don’t miss this post. businesszone

Tools & Techniques

Tips for evaluating what works and what doesn’t. There may be no hard and fast answer about what tools or techniques will work for your business, and this is especially true when you’re just starting out. Instead, use a set of criteria to evaluate the success or failure of any new tool or technique you try. If it isn’t working for your business, kick it to the curb and try something new. The Frugal Entrepreneur


Advice on using your Web presence. In this panel, experts discuss what may be the most important aspect for small business technology use these days. The question is how to generate leads and build profits with your Web presence. As a startup this is particularly important, so we hope you enjoy the video. How are you planning to use Web presence to build your startup? How important do you think the Web will be to your early success? smallbiztechnology


Learn what funds are available in your industry. In a recent announcement, Boston Beer Co., maker of Samuel Adams, introduced funding to help fledgling breweries with startup costs. When starting your business, be sure to scout around for any financing available to your industry that can help you in the lean years. Funding can be very specific to the type of business, so be sure to check with others in your field to determine if money fitting your needs is out there. WSJ

Joshua Sophy Joshua Sophy is the Editor for Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 16 years. A professional journalist with 20 years of experience in traditional media and online media, he attended Waynesburg University and is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists. He has held roles of reporter, editor and publisher, having founded his own local newspaper, the Pottsville Free Press.