Hilarious and Unbelievable Epic Tattoo Fails

tattoo fails

Some individuals dedicate hours to meticulously planning the ideal ink design for their tattoos, while others make quick decisions about their body art. Regardless of the amount of consideration given to a tattoo design, it can be a significant and somewhat permanent letdown when the outcome results in tattoo fails.

Whether the mistaken bad tattoo results in a funny tattoo, embarrassing artwork or even an epic tattoo better than anticipated, the recipient doesn’t have much choice but to wear it with pride forever. Check out the following 18 tattoo fails; try not to laugh!

Funny Tattoo Fails

Some of this hilarious body art probably started as a nice idea, but you wonder if the tattoo artist doesn’t need to learn how to start a tattoo business. In other cases, while looking at these funny tattoo fails, we wonder what the person was thinking!

When You Regret Allowing Your Friend to Do Your Tattoo

When You Regret Letting Your Buddy Do Your Tattoo

Was this tattoo designed by a professional, or did someone allow a friend to use a discount tattoo gun on them? In any case, a stencil should have been used to create a symmetrical circle before inking this amusing tattoo!

What Was This Tattoo Artist Thinking?

What Was This Tattoo Artist Thinking?

Always preview your tattoo design before getting inked! Somehow, we don’t think this funny tattoo recipient vowed to never lose “hoop.” When designing tattoos, spelling counts!

This Tattoo Is Her Spitting Image … Not Quite

This Tattoo Is Her Spitting Image... Not Quite

If you want to avoid tattoo fails, you might want to avoid getting anyone’s face inked on your body. Unless you find a master tattoo artist, any portrait is doomed to become yet another funny tattoo like this example.


Sometimes All the Wrong Reasons Are No Reason at All

Sometimes All the Wrong Reasons Are No Reason at All

In some cases, a funny tattoo was inked with purpose. We don’t know who “Dave” is, but we have to admire his sense of humor to get such nonsense permanently inked on his body in a great example of tattoo fails.

Foiled By a Double Negative

Foiled By a Double Negative

Surely some tattoo fails could have been avoided by paying just a little closer attention. Even if the tattoo recipient couldn’t master grammar to save their life, we would hope the tattoo artist would recognize a double negative. Apparently not in tattoo fails like this one.

When Tattoo Artists Make a Spelling Mistake

When Tattoo Artists Make a Single Spelling Error

A single spelling mistake can lead to permanently embarrassing tattoo fails. Unfortunately, his friends didn’t advise him on the distinction between “to” and “too.” Let’s hope that this error didn’t cause him to dislike his tattoo for the rest of his life.

Can the Worst Tattoos Get Better?

Can the Worst Tattoos Get Better?

We wonder if this tattoo recipient took a photo to boast of their terribly misspelled body art and if the picture was captured in shock and horror at the resulting body art. With any luck, the guy was able to laugh at his permanent faux pas.

What Happens When Your Tattoo Looks Like a 5-Year-Old Inked It?

What Happens When Your Tattoo Looks Like a 5-Year-Old Inked It?

Before you get tattooed, be sure the tattoo artist can master your concept. This tattoo recipient might have decided to let his friend tattoo him with a tattoo gun bought off of some random site. We wonder how much money he paid for this atrocity among tattoo fails?

Epic Tattoo Fails

Some supposed tattoo fails are beyond funny, they make you comment about the person being tattooed. The resulting body art creates some of the most epic tattoo fails we’ve ever seen.

If You Really Want a Perpetual Turtle Head…

If You Really Want a Perpetual Turtle Head...

Clearly, this tattooed man intended to showcase a permanent turtle head. While it may not have been a tattoo mistake, it seems likely that his friends encouraged him to choose this particular body art design.

Gotta Give Him Credit for Creativity with His Ink…

Gotta Give Him Credit for Creativity with His Ink

If you’re going to be bald, you have to admire the man who will totally commit to his hairless condition and boast an epic bowling ball tattoo on top of his head. Hopefully, this design is a dream come true for some lucky partner.

This Tattoo Artist Really Nailed the Design

This Tattoo Artist Really Nailed the Design

In another example of why it’s important to find a tattoo artist you respect, this tattoo recipient couldn’t help but imagine an inked work of beauty and instead ended up with a weird and ridiculous interpretation. Now they are stuck with an example of failed tattooing.

Then There Are the Tattoos That Are Just Creepy…

Then There Are the Tattoos That Are Just Creepy

It’s one thing to have a stylish face tattoo; it’s quite another to choose a skin design that’s so unsettling that it frightens people upon first meeting. One can’t help but wonder what kind of reactions this man gets, or if children simply point, scream, and run away.

What Do You Do When Your Tattoo of Chinese Characters Translates to ‘Turkey Sandwich?’

What Do You Do When Your Tattoo of Chinese Characters Translates to 'Turkey Sandwich?'

What do you do when your stylish Chinese character tattoo actually conveys a meaning you never intended? How many individuals admired their body art before double-checking it with Google Translate? In this instance, the person discovered that they had a turkey sandwich permanently inked on their skin.

I Wanna Be Like Mike … Uh, Either One of Them

It's the Tattoo of Two Micheals

One must ponder the story behind this tattoo fail. Did the person getting the tattoo confuse their celebrities named “Michael,” or does this design serve as a painful reminder of his indecision regarding whom he admires more?

Because Sports Predictions and Tattoos Don’t Mix

Because Sports Predictions and Tattoos Don't Mix

It’s never a good idea to tattoo a hopeful prediction onto your body. In fact, it can become a permanent painful reminder of your favorite sports stars’ big loss. In this case of an epic tattoo fail, a Cowboys fan obviously hoped their team would win the Super Bowl in 2017, only to instead score a tattoo fail when the Patriots prevailed.

Sometimes a Funny Tattoo Just Makes You Ask, ‘Why?’

Sometimes a Funny Tattoo Just Makes You Ask, 'Why?'

It’s a sad reality that tattoo fails happen when words are misspelled or the reality of the designs fails to meet expectations. Then there are tattoo fails that leave you wondering, “Why?” Such is the case with this epic tattoo fail, which is of course atrocious. Surely, the man was hoping for one thing: comments.

How to Avoid Your Own Tattoo Fail

Whether it’s on your stomach, back, arm or another body part, nobody wants to experience a tattoo fail. Fortunately, a few simple steps can avoid a lifetime of regret:

  • Tattoo sober – Don’t make tattoo decisions while intoxicated. It might sound like a great idea to memorialize your mom after downing a few drinks, but the resulting body art might be less than desired.
  • Spell check designs – Be sure to carefully verify your spelling before applying it to your stencil. The tattoo artist is likely to concentrate on the overall design and may overlook any typos, potentially leading to tattoo fails.
  • Research the tattoo artist – Research your artist and the studio to ensure their skill level and aptitude to complete your desired design. Also, be sure the artist and studio are licensed and insured.
  • Avoid amateur tattoo artists – Don’t assume just because someone you know has the equipment that they also have the skill to create body art that isn’t a tattoo fail.

Image: Envato Elements

Samantha Lile Samantha Lile is a staff writer for Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 3 years. She is also a freelance writer and journalist who contributes to a variety of web publications from her home office in the heart of the Ozarks.