Twitter vs Threads and Other Ways to Update How You Communicate with Target Customers

The platforms and strategies you use to communicate with your audience are likely to change over time. It may be that new platforms, like Threads, come into the picture. Or it may be due to changes in your industry or target market. Below, read thoughts and tips from members of the online small business community for keeping up with changing tools and platforms when communicating with your target audience.

Compare Twitter vs. Threads to Find the Best Option for Your Business

Threads has emerged as a legitimate alternative to Twitter. And while the two platforms offer many similar features, there are also differences to consider. This Decipher Zone post by Mahipal Nehra compares the two options to help you make an informed decision.

twitter vs threads

Consider Other Twitter Alternatives

And Threads is just one of many Twitter alternatives that have emerged in recent years. This Inspire to Thrive post by Lisa Sicard goes over several options for small businesses. And BizSugar members weighed in on the post here.

Create a Multilingual Marketing Strategy

Marketing in only one language can limit your potential customer base. But there are ways to integrate multiple languages into your marketing efforts. Learn about creating a multilingual marketing strategy in this Ignite post by Poulomi Basu.

Learn About Omnichannel Marketing from Top Brands

An omnichannel marketing strategy integrates multiple platforms that contribute to an overall messaging strategy. Learn more about this concept and see how some top brands create successful omnichannel strategies in this Crowdspring post by Ross Kimbarovsky.

Use Social Listening Tools to Monitor Your Brand

Social media isn’t just about broadcasting messages out to your followers. These platforms can also provide valuable insights about your customers. And social listening tools can help you gather and make sense of these insights. See a full guide to social listening tools in this G2 post by Alicja Mekarska.

Make the Most of LinkedIn and Sales Navigator for Lead Generation

There are many tools available to help businesses generate leads. So the options you choose may depend on your needs and specific goals. LinkedIn and Sales Navigator are two of the top options. Learn more about maximizing these tools in this post by Theo Poulentzas.

Gather Lead Generation Statistics to Inform Your Strategy

When deciding what tools or strategies to use for your own lead generation efforts, it helps to have all of the relevant data. This post by Adam Connell features 36 lead generation statistics for small businesses and sales professionals to consider. And the BizSugar community also shared thoughts on the post here.

Increase Web Leads Using These Website Principles

Increasing leads doesn’t always have to be about new tools or methods. Some small changes to your own website could help you achieve your goals. In this Social Media Marketing post, Anwesha Ghatak offers several principles to keep in mind for improving lead generation through your website.

Find the Best Influencer Marketing Tools

If you plan to include influencers as part of your marketing strategy, there are several tools that may help. From market research to campaign analysis, the tools in this 99signals post by Sandeep Mallya provide everything you need to execute a successful influencer marketing strategy.

Consider the Future of Technology

Technology is always changing, and this can make a major impact on the tools and platforms you use to communicate with your audience. Luckily, there are ways to look ahead and make space for future changes in your current plans. Eve Anderson discusses this topic in this Lion Blogger post.

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Annie Pilon Annie Pilon is a Senior Staff Writer for Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 12 years. Annie covers feature stories, community news and in-depth, expert-based guides. She has a bachelor’s degree from Columbia College Chicago in Journalism and Marketing Communications.