What do You Want to Know About Entrepreneurship?

I recently assumed a new role as the entrepreneurship editor for a publishing company — Business Expert Press — that has a new business model. We are publishing concise, academically reliable, no-nonsense, applied, mini-books (50-100 pages) on important topics for practicing entrepreneurs.

The idea is that busy entrepreneurs don’t have time to read long books that only touch on a topic that’s important to them. If you need information on how to do market research, for example, you want to read something just on that topic. But if you need information on how to hire employees, you want something focused on that issue.

The books will be available in electronic form for easy download, bundled together in collections for libraries, and available in traditional book form for retail purchase.

Here’s where I need your help. We need to figure out what to publish. So I have a few questions for readers of this blog:

1. What are the entrepreneurship topics you would most want to read a mini-book about?

2. What kind of information is most useful to you — explanation, examples, statistics, case studies, sources of help?

3. How long do you think a book would need to be to give you the information you need?

4. What authors would attract you to read a mini-book on entrepreneurship?

Any and all feedback you have would be helpful. And if you want to write a book for the series, let me know that too. Thanks in advance.

Scott Shane Scott Shane is A. Malachi Mixon III, Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies at Case Western Reserve University. He is the author of nine books, including Fool's Gold: The Truth Behind Angel Investing in America ; Illusions of Entrepreneurship: and The Costly Myths that Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Policy Makers Live By.