What Small Businesses Can Learn from Non-Profits and Vice Versa

What Small Businesses Can Learn from Non-ProfitsAfter hearing Siamak Taghaddos, CEO of GotVMail describe how non-profits have many of the same needs as small businesses, I wanted to see what others were experiencing.

I contacted four others who work with the small business community to get their take.

How did they see the needs of non-profits comparing with the needs of for-profit small businesses? And what can each learn from the other?

Here’s what they had to say:

Technology guru Ramon Ray says:

  • “From a technology perspective, the needs of non-profits are pretty much the same as those of small businesses. Small businesses need technology to help them do more with less and they have limited resources. Non-profits also need technology to help them do more with less and they surely have limited resources. Guess what — non-profit benefactors are happy that their money goes farther and small business customers are happy that they have competitive pricing.”

Brent Leary of CRM Essentials notes how much farther ahead non-profits are when it comes to managing ongoing relationships:

  • “One of the main things that small businesses can learn from non-profits is how to embrace new ideas and strategies for creating and enhancing relationships with those important to your cause. CRM typically stands for customer relationship management, but the ‘C’ can also stand for client, constituent or congregation in the case of churches. And churches have been way out in front in using tools like CRMto improve the service they provide to their congregations as well as to increase membership.As loyalty creation becomes even more important to survival, small business owners and entrepreneurs would do well to look at how non-profits are leveraging new technologies to stay connected and more in tune with customers and prospects.”

The always outspoken and provocative Andy Birol, author of “The 5 Catalysts of 7 Figure Growth,” says:

  • “Small businesses can learn from charities in how they handle their ‘customers.’ Charities are very good at setting up methods to retain and grow contributions. They have had to master direct marketing methods, to keep their members ‘sold,’ which are separate from acquiring new members. Businesses seem to look at such methods as too complicated and revert to sales people to both find and keep customers.The leadership of small businesses is always the owner. He or she must set a direction and achieve results. This differs from a non-profit director who is a hired gun and serves at the pleasure of the board and their divergent agendas. This often results in a non-profit losing focus and dwelling more on its survival. In this sense, the small business has it better as the interests of the owner, his/her company and their customers are much easier to align.”

David Wallace, CEO of search marketing firm SearchRank, sees the potential for non-profits to benefit from the same kinds of Web outreach as small businesses, but also sees them facing the same budget constraints:

  • “One of the biggest needs I see for religious organizations and non-profits is an affordable solution that would enable them to not only have an aesthetically pleasing and usable web site, but a content management system (CMS) that allows them to keep their sites up to date with ease. One of the major problems with church web sites, for example, is that they are not up to date. They also do not take advantage of all the interactivity that is available in today’s web sites (i.e. blogs, forums, video streaming, e-commerce, etc.). Why? Because these functions can be quite expensive to develop. A decent CMS, for example, if custom designed, can run in excess of $10,000.”

Do you work with, or volunteer in, any non-profits? How do the needs of non-profits and small businesses compare? Please share your experiences and leave a comment below.

Anita Campbell Anita Campbell is the Founder, CEO and Publisher of Small Business Trends and has been following trends in small businesses since 2003. She is the owner of BizSugar, a social media site for small businesses.