What To Do If You Are “Surrounded by Idiots”

what to do If you are surrounded by idiots

Do you ever think you’re the only one in business that makes any sense? Or you tried to reason with your partner or employee or customer with disastrous results? Do people’s long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or do certain people just rub you the wrong way? Did you ever feel in business that you are “surrounded by idiots”? This happens to many of us but knowing how to communicate with your customers, employees and vendors will be one of the keys to your success.

On The Small Business Radio Show this week, I talked with Thomas Erikson  who is a motivator, author and public speaker. His book “Surrounded by Idiots” is one of the world’s best-selling non-fiction books and has been translated into over 40 languages.

Here is what we talked about when you think you are the only one making any sense:

  • Why do we feel that sometimes we are surrounded by idiots? Is that a bad thing? Is it us or is it them?
  • Why Thomas believes that “at the heart of this need for control is a belief that we know more than anyone else” (and the advantages and disadvantages of this).
  • Why Thomas argues that communication happens on the listener’s terms not on the speaker’s terms.
  • Thomas describes “The Four Types of Human Behavior” and how to effectively communicate with each.
  • Why it’s important to adjust how we speak to different people at various times.
  • The best way to handle conflict with confidence when it is necessary. Plus when to back away or when to push on and when to speak up or just shut up.
  • The difference between communication through body language, voice and the written word.

Listen to the entire interview on what to do if you are “surrounded by idiots” and how to effectively communicate with all types of people .

Image: Surroundedbyidiots

Small Business Radio Show As a small business expert, Barry Moltz gets owners growing again by unlocking their long forgotten potential. With decades of entrepreneurial experience in his own business ventures as well as consulting countless other entrepreneurs, Barry has discovered the formula to get stuck business owners unstuck and marching forward. As a small business expert, Barry applies simple, strategic steps to facilitate change.